Broadcast with Google Home - Simple Solution (Solved)

I've tried to parse through some prior threads on this, but didn't find a definitive solution to getting Google Home broadcast integration working with cast-web-api. Coming from SmartThings, I have had a server running it and getting announcements with door openings and such without too much trouble among other things, but I'd like to retain the same functionality with HE. Is there an easy way to do that spelled out somewhere?

Add the Chromecast Integration (BETA) app from the built-in apps.

Discover all of your Google Home devices and Chromecasts and select the ones you want to use.

Create a rule using Rule Manager for door opening/closing, etc., and use the Use Speech device in a the Action settings, select which device and what you want to say.


At least that is what I do.... YMMV


Outstanding. Thank you!

I knew it had to be easy.

The info near the end of this thread may help -