Bond Shutter - Stop command

The community Bond windowShade driver implements the Stop command, but the built-in Bond support does not.

I use this to partially open/close the shutter to use as a sun block - could this be added back, please?

Also - for easier Amazon Echo integration (Alexa’s native Bond integration is broken again), it would be great if the shed driver supported off (closed) and on (open). Even better, supporting windowPosition of 0 and 100 as off/on would be appreciated.


Also "Open Next" and "Close Next" would be nice. I added it to the community app myself, and I had a brief discussion with the Bond community developer over a year ago but he never implemented it.

I also brought it up to the HE bond hub developer but he never acknowledge my post so I guess he wasn't interested either. My shades have set points you program and these commands move the shades to the next setpoint in the open or close direction. Works good with my modification but I would like to just use the built in app but I can't unless this gets implemented.

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