Bond Integration

Yep, same here - we have that goofy hold-to-cycle-dim light thing, and I just leave it at one bright setting as an on/off option for the few times we ever that light (primarily just additional light when cleaning the bedroom). Whole setup works a treat, but our needs there are admittedly very basic.

Sorry for the possibly dumb question, but does the above means that the community app locally polls the BondBridge at certain intervals, but that with the system app, somehow the Bond Bridge broadcasts a local signal that the HE picks up (I presume via wifi?) whenever something changes?
If I have that correct:

  1. Does the HE system app work if either the BondBridge or HE are not connected to the internet (ie only on LAN).
  2. Does this matter if all your changes to the end devices are via Hubitat? Seems it would only matter if your changes to the actual devices original either via a wall switch or device remote that then communicates to Bond then updates HE, or via automations within Bond.

I'm not sure about #1, but for #2, I can confirm that a change is simultaneously reflected (pretty darn instantaneously) within the Bond app and HE regardless of where I command it from (Bond app, HE, or fan remote)

This is with native Bond integration and my Bond bridge also connected to internet (since I like to make sure it gets f/w updates). AFAIK, the native integration uses Bond's API - there's no wifi involved in that particular connection.

Yes, I would assume there is the ability to subscribe to the bond event stream so that it sends them to the hub as they happen. Probably not just broadcasted out to the LAN.

It's been a minute since I originally set up Bond, but believe I'm using the community app, and I've been having problems with my fans lately. The light turns on when I'm only asking for the fan to turn on, or I can't adjust the speed of the fan, etc. I'm currently running homebridge to get devices into HomeKit. With the issues I'm having I was looking at getting rid of homebridge and using the direct integration with Hubitat and HomeKit, and while looking at that also realized / remembered there's a built-in Bond app and am wondering if I should switch to the supported bond app from Bond, or stick with the now unsupported community app. If anyone out there is using the built-in bond app with multi-speed fans with dimmable lights successfully please let me know. And can they be controlled through the HK integration successfully?

I am using the built in app with 3 speed fans, but not using dimmable lights. The dimming through bond was generally garbage, not like a true dimmer.

Getting it over to HK properly is a challenge. I am using Homebridge but even for that I ended up using a custom virtual fan driver to share to HK and have a rule that links the bond fan to the virtual. I never even really use the HK to adjust the fans after all that. They are mostly automated or adjusted with a zwave remote.

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I have 3 fans all on the native driver with no issues.

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Any idea why I'm having these issues with my Allen + Roth shades which makes the shade devices unusable without a virtual switch?:

  • Displays in Room Lighting but cannot control (type is greyed and the are no Activation Settings to assist), so I can't use in RL without a virtual device workaround
  • Not listed to select in Groups, Mirror app, etc
  • Cannot control individual shades on dashboards

Bond brings the shades in using the Generic Component Window Shade driver. This is greyed out. Controlling the shades from the device screen and through a virtual switch with Rule Machine rules works fine.

The shades only have Open, Close, and Stop commands in Bond and uses the RMS74 template.

I have added an RF-controlled outdoor rolling hurricane shutter manually to my Bond Hub since pairing did not work. I was able to add each command for open, close and stop. In the Bond Integration App, the device has commands for Close, Open, Refresh, Set Position (with a blank field), Start Position Change (with drop-down choices of Open or Close). What I cannot figure out is which one is the Stop button. The Open and Close commands transmit properly to the Bond Hub and therefore to the shutter. But sometimes, I need to stop it mid-way. So is there no equivalent "Stop" button inside the Bond Integration? The Device Type is set to "Generic Component Window Shade" as it carried over from the Bond Hub's app. Is there a better device "Type" I should be using so that I get the exact same buttons from the Bond Hub?

I have two Bond Hubs in the house. I have added both successfully in Hubitat. But I don't see a way to name the app to indicate which is which? I have to use the IP address to tell them apart. Is there a way I can rename the instances of the app to indicate which hub is which? Thanks.

I don’t think you need the app twice? Can’t you add both hubs from one instance of the app?
Each hub gets a virtual device created, you can re name the devices.

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Exporting and re-importing the apps may provide an option to name them differently, but would likely not be worth the effort in this case. If nothing else, requesting an option for naming the app should be a simple thing to add.

Thanks. I notice the built-in Bond app does allow for multiple named hubs. I don't recall why I used this third-party version in the first place. Perhaps built-in didn't work, or this one had more features or supported more devices? But I did notice that set position is not working on this with my Smartwings shades. The built-in app does work. So playing around with both to see which one to land on for my needs.


So far in my playing around with this I have noticed that fan control for my fans does not appear to work with the native integration. But shades do seem to work a little better - supporting % position settings. Interested if others have seen similar results. I would like to eventually focus on one integration for simplicity but it doesn't appear like that is possible right now.

I have created some groups in Bond but I don’t see the devices in Hubitat. Is this supported? Thanks.

I have run into an issue with my fans through Bond recently. I have them added to Sharptools dashboards. The Sharptools dashboards are updating with the correct fan status on 1 device, but the two others stopped sending status through the Sharptools app around 8/17:

I did notice that the working fan was using the Bond Fan driver "with direction" and the other two were not. So I updated them to the "with direction" driver but this did not change anything.

I removed the fans from the Sharptools app and then re-added them. It didn't change anything.

I am not sure what would cause a device to stop updating apps this way? Hopefully someone has some thoughts on how I might have screwed this up? Thanks.

Is that screenshot from the one thats working or one thats not working?

I began using the community app some time ago. Then when Hubitat released an official app I installed and started to use that. But I immediately found limitations and/or bugs with it and quickly realized that in order to get all desired features I had to run both. So that is what I did, which was fine.

Then suddenly the fan issue.

I have debugging turned on for both apps. Looking at the logs it is even more confusing. The Hubitat app is not updating device status for the fan that is updating status in Sharptools and is throwing errors in the log. The fan that is not updating status is showing device updates and is not throwing errors in the log but is not showing status updates in Sharptools.

I recall updating the Bond firmware in the last month or so - hard to remember, the app doesn't tell you when it was done and their help center firmware release schedule is not maintained for some reason. I have been chatting with @josh from Sharptools to help diagnose this and he pointed this out about the community app:

I see that it tries to send the speed command with executeAction() and only if it gets a successful response from Bond does it emit the events.

Example code lines 1232-1253 looks something like:

if (executeAction(bondId, "SetSpeed", translateHEFanSpeedToBond(bondId, state.fanProperties?.getAt(bondId)?.max_speed ?: 3, speed))) { device.sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on") device.sendEvent(name: "speed", value: speed) }

So it's possible that it sends the command, but something about the response from Bond or the app logic makes the executeAction() return false causing the events to not be emitted.

it is possible that something changed on the Bond side and the app is not getting what it wants on two out of the three fans.

So I started turning on debit across the board and looking at the logs.

These examples are all with the community app:

Here is a fan that is not updating its status in Sharptools. I am turning it off and then on:

The device status is updating correctly:
And here is an example of the log from the app:

Here is another fan that is updating it's status in Sharptools correctly going through the same off and then on sequence:

The device is again updating correctly:
Here is and example for the log from the app:

When I go to the Hubitat app things get weirder.

No fans are updating their device status. Sending a speed command to the device does not work, it has to receive an on and then the speed command. I don't recall that being needed before. None of the fans are showing updates in Sharptools.

And the one fan that is showing updates in Sharptools from the community app is showing this in the app logs from the Hubitat app:

the other fans that are not showing updates in Sharptools are showing this in the Hubitat app log:

So I am about to uninstall everything and start from scratch but would be curious to see if anyone has any thoughts on this and/or seeing similar issues with their fans? Thanks.

I use the HE bond integration and have not noticed any issues but I do not use Sharp Tools. I do have them connected to Homekit via a virtual fan device and last I checked that was working fine.

The first and second examples look nearly the same so it dos not make sense that one would be transferring to Sharptools and the other would not. The event log is showing that it sent the on and low events to ST. The only difference is the order they are shown. Seems like maybe a processing issue on the ST side of things.

Again, this is getting confusing. One thing I failed to capture above (I think) is this:

Here it shows the device sending the status to Sharptools on the fan that does update in sharptools.

And yet the fan that is not updating is showing this:

So no reference to updating Sharptools.

Both devices are registered in the Sharptools app so in theory Hubitat should be sending an update to both devices? I don't fully understand how this works and which side is responsible for what but I don't see this as being a Sharptools issue?

And when it comes to the Hubitat app - it is not even updating the devices in Hubitat. So naturally it is not updating Sharptools.

Just out of curiosity - I am running firmware - what version are you running? Thanks.