Bond Integration and Google Home Integration not all Devices Working

I just got a Bond Bridge. I set it up fine. Appear to have pulled everything into Hubitat for the Bond Integration fine:

I check the boxes to add the Family Room fan and light into the Google Home integration, no issues.

I check the boxes to add the Office fan and light into the Google Home integration and after updating and saving, after 30 seconds or so the Office fan and light are unselected for Google Home.

Any thoughts on what could be going wrong or what I should do?

The built in Google Home integration doesn't support fans. The interface gives you absolutely no feedback that a particular devices isn't capable of being added to Google Home.

Even if you go thru the rather complicated route of installing the community version, it will allow you to create and add fan devices to Google Home, but depending on how your fan is controlled it can be rather limited.. in my case the fan controls appear in Hubitat as command actuator "button devices", and button devices don't translate to Google Home very well at all.

Your mileage may vary.

That's a very odd setup. The Google Home Community app will definitely work with BOND fan controllers and any other controller that uses the standard Fan interface. That was one of my primary motivations in first creating that app. I have a standalone BOND fan controller, a Hampton Bay Zigbee fan controller, and several GE Z-wave fan controller switches, and all of them work perfectly.

Its an old fan that uses an IR blaster for control. Each command is a different "button" in Hubitat, ie "power toggle button", "change fan speed", or "direction".

The same button that turn it's on also turns it off as it is just a power toggle, and for whatever reason, that logic makes no sense to Google Home. I simply cannot get any "button" or "actuator" devices to appear in Google Home and function properly as simple buttons.

I added my bond to Google through "works with Google" in addition to adding the Bond to the HE hub.

I am able to control the fans via voice and the status is updated in HE. I didn't have to use the HE community google home integration.

Though I didn't need to use it, I am not indicating there is anything wrong with the community google home integration. It looks great. I just didn't want to spend the time needed to set it up.