Bluetooth Integrations

Yes, I have many BT Devices successfully integrated with HE but not directly because HE does not have a BT Radio. For the BT integration I am using a Home Assistant as a Device Handler plus HADB (Home Assistant Device Bridge) for bringing all HA Devices to HE. All automations are running on HE.

Awesome, thank you for the info! I'd been considering setting up HA for a while, this sounds like as good a reason as any. Do you use an external BT dongle/module, or just built-in (are you running it on a RPi, or one of the HA Green/Yellow devices, or what)?

I started with RPi but it was too slow (because of Micro SD Card, not CPU). Because I quickly learn how HA is beneficial (near instantly got rid from few Cloud-based integrations and brought in many otherwise incompatible with HE Devices) I switched to ODROID-N2/N2+. This one has built-in SSD but yes, requires external BT Dongle (does not have internal BT/WiFi). The ODROID-based HA is very fast.