In case anyone else needs this, I've create a presence sensor based on BLE Eddyston-EID using a raspberry pi and this piece o code GitHub - dasmata/beacon_presence.
When using iBeacons, there is a serious security risk because the beacon data is broadcasted without any encryption so anybody can use that to spoof you beacon. Because of this it is not recommended to be used for arming/disarming HSM or other security relevant automations (ex: open/close locks).
Eddystone-EID uses an Ephemeral ID that is encrypted using AES-128 using a privately shared secret called Identity Key. Without the Identity Key no one can generate valid Ephemeral IDs.
In order to transform my phone into an Eddystone-EID I use the Beacon Simulator app on Android. I don't know if an equivalent is available for iOS.