[BETA] Wallbox Charger

Great job Pedro, however I may have done a few things incorrectly. If I understood correctly, all operations are carried out through my account on the Wallbox website. I'm sharing my scenario with you hoping that someone can guide me. Last night, I programmed the Wallbox application (I haven't yet found how to do it in Hubitat). My car got recharged correctly. When charging, I clearly saw in Hubitat that I was in charging mode. This morning when I look at my statistical report on the Wallbox site, no data has been recorded. In addition, I write my statistics of the different devices that I run on Hubitat on a Raspberry Pi in an InfluxDB v2 database. All data from my Wallbox shows no consumption. I suspect a problem with my token. Could it be the cause? Can there be a conflict because I use my Wallbox account via my PC, my cell phone and Hubitat? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


I am not aware that connecting from other applications to your Wallbox account would prevent the Wallbox cloud platform from recording the sessions. Please note though, that until you unplug the car, the session is not complete and doesn't show in the app.

Hi Pedro,
you were absolutely right. There was no token error. The data is visible when the session is finished. For my data sent to InfluxDB, they are in real time even if the session is not over. Thanks again for your help.

Hi Pedro, would it be possible to send a command to end a session even if it is still physicaly plug into the car?

Unfortunately I have not come across an API that would achieve this. In fact, i don't think we can do this even from the Wallbox app, I cannot see the session until I unplug. If you consider that the car is communicating with the charger and could potentially request power at any time, it kind of makes sense to manage sessions as plug/unplug instead of charge start/stop events.

Hi Pedro, another thing I noticed is that when a device button is pressed to send a command, its property does not refresh in the device list properties. I have to press refresh for this to happen. Is there anything to do? Also, when I change a parameter in the Wallbox application, it is not reflected if I do not press refresh. The opposite works.

When you send a command, the driver auto refreshes after 5 seconds. If for some reason your charger takes longer than this to change status, this could lead to the behaviour you describe. You can increase this interval to see if it helps by updating all instances of pauseExecution(5000) to a higher number.

When you change through the wallbox app, this is not reflected in Hubitat unless you refresh. You can schedule regular refresh using this option in the driver and entering an interval in minutes, or create a rule in Rule Machine for more flexibility.