September 10, 2020, 4:39pm
There are some other user apps for sending emails. One is by Cobra:
The email driver is now available to all members so you can email directly from your hub
It’s free and so is the email service.
I ended up hacking some things (including this) to get my email sent with encryption to my smtp server through curl on another local linux machine via telnet.
So I want to use my own email server, and I want to use SSL/TLS. I'm not very concerned about my password being visible on my local machines, but it would be nice to not have it visible. Anyway, I managed to hack some things together and write my first ever Groovy driver, and it is working for me! My SMTP server supports SSL on port 465 with PLAIN authentication.
This is really not any kind of release. It doesn't check email address formats or server formats, and it uses nasty hacks to send a c…
It's a really nasty hack but it works for me.