[BETA] ratgdo driver (w/ MQTT firmware)

I'm happy to report this driver works with HE and Ratgdo HW 2.52i FW 2.56! cheers.

After exploring failure modes, I really appreciate that the garage door will still function normally if the MQTT broker is down for w/e reason.

@825d60685b34c4f304ab Yes, I just updated from V2.55 to V2.56 via the local web client. - Basically, download the proper HV25_sV2.56.bin file locally, then selected that file in the web client, then hit "update firmware" button directly below the file name dialogue. -

Just a note, once I clicked the "update firmware" button, **nothing really happened on the web client (no real feedback) at all, for a good 30-45 secs. - Then it went to a blank page, with a "Success" message, and a note that it was rebooting - Another 30-45 secs of nothing, then the web client reloaded, showing the new V2.56 was running (on the page head banner) - So may may just need to download file, select it in web client dialogue, then hit "update" - Then wait a bit, with no real feedback.

The good news is that doing this via the WebClient, seems to keep all my MQTT and other settings, as well as done over WiFi - I'm sure you can reflash from USB, you'll just need to redo your config settings (and mine is now bolted and wired in place, so I didn't want to have to pull it back down from the GDO. - Your "Issue #40" note, didn't seem to apply, as I was upgrading from V2.55 as a starting point.

I'll create a PR later tonight when I have some time, and can add some release notes, but I'm not 100% sure about how to do a new HPM release, so I'll likely defer that to you.

Sounds good (regarding the PR), thank you. If you want to tackle the Child Device for the light, feel free :slight_smile: , with the holidays and the lack of proper documentation I have had a tough time getting it done.

I tried upgrading the firmware again, unfortunately, I get a ERR_CONNECTION_RESET on /update and if I go to the page again, it's still at 2.51 :frowning:

UPDATE: I tried on Safari (vs Chrome) and it worked.

1 Like

Hi guys - I'm at a loss...

I set up mosquitto - I can log in and see my MQTT broker via MQTT Explorer. But the only thing that is listed on my ratgdo device is "available"? Perhaps I'm missing something.

I flashed with the default firmware for my 2.5i board I just received. I chose the version "ratgdo v2.56 security + 1.0, 2.0 & Dry Contact" from the drop down list, connected, flashed, set up wifi - and mqtt settings and can connect to wifi after I've hooked it to my garage door opener.

I've tripped checked my wiring - all looks good there.

So, on the ratgdo interface, what should the MQTT topic prefix be? I set mine to "home/garage/" and I can see that in the MQTT explore tools.

In MQTT explorer I can see the device highlighted in red here:

What is the expected value in the HUBITAT's driver page setup for the "ratgdo Door Name(Topic name)" field? I have tried /home/garage/ratgdo/ratgdo-67866/ but it will not initialize...

If I fill out the hubitat driver field above with my unique name ratgdo-67866 and then hit init - I get feedback, but am not sure what to make of it - plus nothing updates other than status is available.

Hubitat Log Snippet in debug mode:

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.921 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: Got NG availability status message: online

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.916 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: Topic size: 4

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.911 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: Got message from topic: [ratgdo, ratgdo-67866, status, availability]

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.906 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: Got message from topic: ratgdo/ratgdo-67866/status/availability

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.901 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: parse: topic: cmF0Z2RvL3JhdGdkby02Nzg2Ni9zdGF0dXMvYXZhaWxhYmlsaXR5, payload: b25saW5l

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.896 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: The HA discovery message w/ name=ratgdo-67866 is for this device (ratgdo-67866) - changing state

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.890 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: JSON from HA Assistant Discover Message: [payload_close:close, command_topic:~/command/door, unique_id:ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60, state_topic:~/status/door, name:Door, device_class:garage, payload_stop:stop, payload_open:open, availability_topic:~/status/availability, device:[identifiers:ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60, configuration_url:, name:ratgdo-67866, model:ratgdo, manufacturer:Paul Wieland, sw_version:2.56], ~:home/garage/ratgdo-67866]

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.883 PM[info]( Bay Doors: Got Home Assistant Discovery message: {"~":"home/garage/ratgdo-67866","name":"Door","unique_id":"ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60","availability_topic":"~/status/availability","device_class":"garage","command_topic":"~/command/door","payload_open":"open","payload_close":"close","payload_stop":"stop","state_topic":"~/status/door","device":{"name":"ratgdo-67866","identifiers":"ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60","manufacturer":"Paul Wieland","model":"ratgdo","sw_version":"2.56","configuration_url":""}}

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.878 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: Topic size: 4

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.873 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: Got message from topic: [homeassistant, cover, ratgdo-67866, config]

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.868 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: Got message from topic: homeassistant/cover/ratgdo-67866/config

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.859 PM[debug]( Bay Doors: parse: topic: aG9tZWFzc2lzdGFudC9jb3Zlci9yYXRnZG8tNjc4NjYvY29uZmln, payload: 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

[dev:1140]( 03:29:56.770 PM[info]( Bay Doors: MQTT connection established...

[dev:1140]( 03:29:55.760 PM[warn]( Bay Doors: **** Received status message: Status: Connection succeeded ****

[dev:1140]( 03:29:55.316 PM[info]( Bay Doors: initialize...

So I DO appear to get the feedback listed as suggested: "Pod Bay Doors: The HA discovery message w/ name=ratgdo-67866 is for this device (ratgdo-67866) - changing state" But my hubitat side bar with states and features only shows "online" but nothing to do with the door, lights, etc.

I feel close - but missing a step?

@erik.tank, the prefix in the configuration has to be ratgdo/

Thanks for the response - this I have done as well in testing - as well as putting it back right now again as another test...

I set the hubitat field to my ratgdo's unique randomly generated field: ratgdo-67866.

The only thing that happens now is it says the obstructions are clear - but still no open/close/light/functions...

Log as it stands now:

dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:45.067 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: {}
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:45.063 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Checking MQTT status
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:45.059 PMinfoPod Bay Doors: configure...
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:42.686 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Getting status and config...
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:42.682 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Checking MQTT status
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.839 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got NG obstruction status message: clear
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.833 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Topic size: 4
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.826 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: [ratgdo, ratgdo-67866, status, obstruction]
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.820 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: ratgdo/ratgdo-67866/status/obstruction
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.814 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: parse: topic: cmF0Z2RvL3JhdGdkby02Nzg2Ni9zdGF0dXMvb2JzdHJ1Y3Rpb24=, payload: Y2xlYXI=
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.808 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got NG availability status message: online
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.802 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Topic size: 4
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.796 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: [ratgdo, ratgdo-67866, status, availability]
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.790 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: ratgdo/ratgdo-67866/status/availability
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.781 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: parse: topic: cmF0Z2RvL3JhdGdkby02Nzg2Ni9zdGF0dXMvYXZhaWxhYmlsaXR5, payload: b25saW5l
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.776 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: The HA discovery message w/ name=ratgdo-67866 is for this device (ratgdo-67866) - changing state
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.770 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: JSON from HA Assistant Discover Message: [payload_close:close, command_topic:~/command/door, unique_id:ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60, state_topic:~/status/door, name:Door, device_class:garage, payload_stop:stop, payload_open:open, availability_topic:~/status/availability, device:[identifiers:ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60, configuration_url:, name:ratgdo-67866, model:ratgdo, manufacturer:Paul Wieland, sw_version:2.56], ~:ratgdo/ratgdo-67866]
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.764 PMinfoPod Bay Doors: Got Home Assistant Discovery message: {"~":"ratgdo/ratgdo-67866","name":"Door","unique_id":"ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60","availability_topic":"~/status/availability","device_class":"garage","command_topic":"~/command/door","payload_open":"open","payload_close":"close","payload_stop":"stop","state_topic":"~/status/door","device":{"name":"ratgdo-67866","identifiers":"ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60","manufacturer":"Paul Wieland","model":"ratgdo","sw_version":"2.56","configuration_url":""}}
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.752 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Topic size: 4
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.749 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: [homeassistant, cover, ratgdo-67866, config]
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.743 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: homeassistant/cover/ratgdo-67866/config
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.739 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: parse: topic: aG9tZWFzc2lzdGFudC9jb3Zlci9yYXRnZG8tNjc4NjYvY29uZmln, payload: 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
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:31.699 PMinfoPod Bay Doors: MQTT connection established...
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:30.692 PMwarnPod Bay Doors: **** Received status message: Status: Connection succeeded ****
dev:11402024-01-02 04:55:30.146 PMinfoPod Bay Doors: initialize...

Any ideas what I can do to get this working??

Are you saying you don't see any buttons to open the door or Current States and State Variables?

I am not sure where parse: topic: cmF0Z2RvL3JhdGdkby02Nzg2Ni9zdGF0dXMvb2JzdHJ1Y3Rpb24=, payload: Y2xlYXI= comes from, it's a little odd. Do you see in on the MQTT explorer ?

I can see two states - online and obstruction. I see the buttons for open/close on/off lock/unlock but they do nothing.

Here's my hubitat view:

and here's my newly upgraded to 2.57 ratgdo board config:

I'm pretty sure I have the device name and topic stuff filled out correctly, but I still see this in the hubitat logs. I'm strictly using mqtt from a docker mosquitto service - I do not use Home Assistant.

dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.374 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got NG obstruction status message: clear
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.370 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Topic size: 4
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.366 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: [ratgdo, ratgdo-67866, status, obstruction]
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.362 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: ratgdo/ratgdo-67866/status/obstruction
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.358 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: parse: topic: cmF0Z2RvL3JhdGdkby02Nzg2Ni9zdGF0dXMvb2JzdHJ1Y3Rpb24=, payload: Y2xlYXI=
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.336 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got NG availability status message: online
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.332 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Topic size: 4
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.328 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: [ratgdo, ratgdo-67866, status, availability]
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.325 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: ratgdo/ratgdo-67866/status/availability
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.321 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: parse: topic: cmF0Z2RvL3JhdGdkby02Nzg2Ni9zdGF0dXMvYXZhaWxhYmlsaXR5, payload: b25saW5l
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.317 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: The HA discovery message w/ name=ratgdo-67866 is for this device (ratgdo-67866) - changing state
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.313 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: JSON from HA Assistant Discover Message: [payload_close:close, command_topic:~/command/door, unique_id:ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60, state_topic:~/status/door, name:Door, device_class:garage, payload_stop:stop, payload_open:open, availability_topic:~/status/availability, device:[identifiers:ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60, configuration_url:, name:ratgdo-67866, model:ratgdo, manufacturer:Paul Wieland, sw_version:2.57], ~:ratgdo/ratgdo-67866]
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.309 PMinfoPod Bay Doors: Got Home Assistant Discovery message: {"~":"ratgdo/ratgdo-67866","name":"Door","unique_id":"ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60","availability_topic":"~/status/availability","device_class":"garage","command_topic":"~/command/door","payload_open":"open","payload_close":"close","payload_stop":"stop","state_topic":"~/status/door","device":{"name":"ratgdo-67866","identifiers":"ratgdo-67866_C8:2B:96:30:F5:60","manufacturer":"Paul Wieland","model":"ratgdo","sw_version":"2.57","configuration_url":""}}
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.305 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Topic size: 4
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.300 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: [homeassistant, cover, ratgdo-67866, config]
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.295 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: Got message from topic: homeassistant/cover/ratgdo-67866/config
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.291 PMdebugPod Bay Doors: parse: topic: aG9tZWFzc2lzdGFudC9jb3Zlci9yYXRnZG8tNjc4NjYvY29uZmln, payload: eyJ+IjoicmF0Z2RvL3JhdGdkby02Nzg2NiIsIm5hbWUiOiJEb29yIiwidW5pcXVlX2lkIjoicmF0Z2RvLTY3ODY2X0M4OjJCOjk2OjMwOkY1OjYwIiwiYXZhaWxhYmlsaXR5X3RvcGljIjoifi9zdGF0dXMvYXZhaWxhYmlsaXR5IiwiZGV2aWNlX2NsYXNzIjoiZ2FyYWdlIiwiY29tbWFuZF90b3BpYyI6In4vY29tbWFuZC9kb29yIiwicGF5bG9hZF9vcGVuIjoib3BlbiIsInBheWxvYWRfY2xvc2UiOiJjbG9zZSIsInBheWxvYWRfc3RvcCI6InN0b3AiLCJzdGF0ZV90b3BpYyI6In4vc3RhdHVzL2Rvb3IiLCJkZXZpY2UiOnsibmFtZSI6InJhdGdkby02Nzg2NiIsImlkZW50aWZpZXJzIjoicmF0Z2RvLTY3ODY2X0M4OjJCOjk2OjMwOkY1OjYwIiwibWFudWZhY3R1cmVyIjoiUGF1bCBXaWVsYW5kIiwibW9kZWwiOiJyYXRnZG8iLCJzd192ZXJzaW9uIjoiMi41NyIsImNvbmZpZ3VyYXRpb25fdXJsIjoiaHR0cDovLzE5Mi4xNjguMy4xNTEvIn19
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:42.263 PMinfoPod Bay Doors: MQTT connection established...
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:41.209 PMwarnPod Bay Doors: **** Received status message: Status: Connection succeeded ****
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:40.706 PMinfoPod Bay Doors: initialize...
dev:11402024-01-04 09:08:09.310 PMinfoPod Bay Doors: Incoming MQTT Status via prefix/status/availability/ : online

My MQTT Explorer shows this:

I really don't understand much about mqtt - like why is /home/garage still a thing when my ratgdo board doesn't have that configured, nor does my hubitat either. Why are there different topics like the root device name, and another with ratgdo prefixing the device name (ratgdo-67866).

In the past, years ago, when I used home assistant, I had a mosquitto docker set up to get HA talk to HE and vice versa and it worked fine. I'm confused why I see the /home/garage/ratgdo-67866 since that technically shouldn't exist, nor why they only say "availability=online" and "obstruction=clear"... I'm guessing it should see more like open/close or the light or such no?

Still not working here - anyone have any advice or know any more official channels to get this working?

Can you try setting this to ratgdo/ratgdo-67866?

for home, those values are retained. If they bother/confuse you, you can highlight the home topic and click the trashcan. It shouldn't come back. Same with ratgdo-67866 root topic (above the ratgdo root topic)

Any idea what piece I'm missing here? I've run out of ideas to try. These are my devices settings, and below that is a screen capture of MQTT Explorer showing topics match the device settings. But nothing ever happens. Been connected like this since before Christmas and it doesn't register in Hubitat.

Could you post your ratgdo MQTT settings?

Having some issues now. When I initially logged into the ratgdo, it had an odd IP address (neither my home LAN nor my outside IP address were close). I reflashed it... now I can see it on my Wi-Fi network but I can't log into it.

Will post them up as soon as I get it working again.

Finally got it. Shows online in the MQTT server, still nothing in hubitat.

Your MQTT prefixes do not match, @michicago

The Hubitat device driver puts in a "ratgdo" prefix whether you ask it to or not, so I had to set the actual device with a "ratgdo" prefix to match it. Otherwise I'd have one "garage" topic and one "ratgdo/garage" topic.

Example, I switched the device to have the same topic:

And now the physical device is on "garage" below and hubitat is monitoring "ratgdo/garage", and still nothing populating in Hubitat.

Hey dan, you've named your garage door 'dan', so you now you have to put 'dan' after 'garage/'

ie. garage/dan