[BETA] Rainbird Sprinkler Driver

Awesome! Yes share away. I actually moved and don't have that system where I live now so I have not been actively doing much with it.

I just started playing around with Groovy so I did my best. I added a polling function so the status are up to date, and also the currentActiveStation:


This is awesome @jbilodea . For the first time my rainbird system works with hubitat :slight_smile:

I have what I think will turn out to be a stupid question.

Which command do I use to stop an active station program?

I was able to turn of a station/program with the new commands, but haven't been able to stop them .

I essentially clicked on everything one by one multiple times and skimmed through the code but couldn't find it.

Is there no stop active irrigation function?

For me, clicking on OFF stop the irrigation, not you ?

Ok after a lot of testing I think I see the pattern.

My Rainbird initially listens to me, but at some point (it might be on 2nd command, or the 10th) it stops listening to me and returns this message in the logs

groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 503, reason phrase: Service Unavailable on line 503 (method ManuallyRunStationRequest)

This is the function at 503

httpPost(postParams) { resp ->
responseBytes = resp.data.bytes

I can roughly guess that it could mean that it's not getting a response back from the Controller?

Once this appears I continue getting this error for a while

HTTP 503 error is a service not available, which roughly says that while the host was reached it was unable to provide the requested service, so yes the Controller is either busy or refusing to process the request.

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I finally figured it out.

I have the Rainbird ESP-TM2 and it can only be connected to one device at a time.

What I did was turn it on from Hubitat, then opened the App to see if it started watering.

And then the off (or any other command would stop working)

Sharing here in case I can save anyone from wasting their time on the same issue :slight_smile:


Has anyone tried to use this recently? I have been trying to configure it with my controller and have been unsuccessful. I get 503s even though my controller is statically assigned and works in the App. I have made sure I'm not in the App and trying to connect to the controller through Hubitat at the same time