Yep I know that part but so many people had problems with it stop responding and all on the C5, instead of investing in something that is not reliable, I just got the gen1 and it's been rock solid. Now that I have it and also have a C7 now, why change it?
While you are at it, use Hubitat Ping to ping a global DNS server ( Cloudfare or Google) to check to see if your router is connected to the Internet. You can also Ping individual WiFi devices on your LAN to see if they are connected. Sometimes my Amazon Alexa devices go offline and need to be rebooted.
You can use the Hubitat Ping response to establish similar actions to those you might use if mains power goes down.
You can have multiple instances, and the app allows you to change the name to differentiate them. If you just want a notification you wouldn't have any outage or recovery actions defined, but the app really doesn't care so all good.
Is your cable modem on a ups?
No. We do have a standby generator. Maybe if our cable service wouldn't go down every time the power does. It's cute when the cable company, Spectrum, texts out the same times for service outage and restoration as the power company.
That one pole that has both set of wires just happens to get taken out...
Yeah right, lol. It's more like they're cheap with battery/generator backup.
I’m not sure a single trigger decision is the right approach. I’ve had occasions where my wife knocks a Ring Extender out of the wall socket while moving furniture, or unplugs one to plug in the vacuum. Not good to cause power fail routine triggering in either of these cases.
At the other extreme, waiting until all Ring Extenders show power fail is bad, too. Larry Kahn (@kahn-hubitat) recently reported he had a Ring Extender fail in a mode whereby it stopped sending power fail (mains to battery change) events. Things break.
A better approach, in my opinion, is to have a voting scheme whereby multiple power fail indicators vote and, if a majority indicate power fail (and a majority stays failed for a given time), initiate the power fail routine. I have 6 Ring Extenders sprinkled throughout the house, on different circuits.
On the flip side I've never had my apc ups misdetect a power outage. But the driver i wrote for it is not instant. i have it set to query ( user definable) every x minutes and a different rate once it detects an outage. i use this to shut down my hub when the battery level gets too low.
Great Stuff !
Now if only there was an AI App to parse through all my rules and assist me in remembering (or learning as the case may be)
- what course of actions should be taken pre-shutdown, no matter the time and day, to reinstate things the way they should be once power comes back at whatever time and matter if previous pertinent triggers would not be there, obeying any new pertinent states, and of course abiding by any newly applicable Predicate/Exception.
Gulp, just thinking about the complexity of that is scary. Alot easier proposition to just come back up at some least-common-denominator fail-safe state on everything and waiting for the 24 hour cycle to reset things if the environment was unattended.
No noooooo; that's so backwardly X-10 minded we'd never get to Mars.
In my Generac standby generator setup there are terminals on a transfer switch that indicate whether there is utility (closed) or generator (open) power. Meant for an alarm system, but could be adaptable to Hubitat. Even if you shut off the generator manually, the switch will stay open until utility power returns. A battery powering a ZEN17 as well as the Hub could last a long time, especially since there's the option of normally open or normally closed relays on the ZEN17.
I actually used it once during an outage where I had turned off the main generator and was using a portable, and thus had the main panel breaker off. When utility power came back I had Hubitat light up some lights that aren't normally on.
@thebearmay I have a device which I can ping on my network I have used that to confirm if the power is up, could something like that be used as the trigger? I used the "HTTP presence sensor" by @jwetzel1492
Would be a slight change to the trigger logic, but we shold be able to accomodate that - outage trigger not present,and power restoration/situation normal present ?
yes that's how I have it
v0.1.5 should allow presence sensors to act as a trigger
Wow when I proposed this to you, I had no idea it would blow up like this
Just proves that you had a good idea and read the need correctly.
That'd be a first for sure
Seriously, I was 'just thinking' the other day (as our power went out and I was shutting down stuff to preserve our power wall) that something like this would be a nice idea. Exactly how did you get in my mind like that?? Would I be able to use this to either just mass-shut down devices, or trigger a mode change, which would trigger a rule to turn off devices? Then restore to whatever mode the house is in when the power restores? I'm away from home now, I'll have to play with it when I get home, just hoping maybe you have a quick answer.
Devices can be disabled/enabled similar to apps (already have the code in another app), mode change could also be an easy add. Sending a power off command to a set of devices is doable too (I’d probably key on capability.switch); turning them back on is as easy, but a question - would you stagger the power on or do all at the same time?