[BETA] Hubitat Package Manager

Thanks, I must be getting wrong URL?
hubitat-packagemanager/packageManifest.json at master · dcmeglio/hubitat-packagemanager · GitHub

Get this error.
Unknown exception occured while saving app code



Thanks looks like that is working. Any idea why I didn't find that URL?

Looks like you kept grabbing the manifest which has a pointer to the source instead of the app source.

Did I get to the wrong url to start with? When here
GitHub - dcmeglio/hubitat-packagemanager

Needed to go down one more level into the apps directory, select the code source file, ask for the raw code, and then copy the URL that it uses to display it.

You guys are great! thank you very much.
I need this education to fully use Hubitat.
That was it! cheers

Thought I had HPM working - not.
I did OAuth but that didn't work either.

Hub login is off

Is it the OAuth codes?

Couple of questions:

  1. Under Settings | Hub Login Security is the Hub Login Security switch on or off?
  2. Under Apps | Hubitat Package Manager | Package Manager Settings is the Hub Security Enabled switch on or off?

Bottom line is that the switches in both locations need to agree.

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I did not install a user or password in the Hub. Would that mean it is off?
Under Apps HPM don't see a settings ?

Should be off, but check it anyway just in case.

Should be at the bottom of the list of options (may have to scroll)

Did not install a user in the hub.
This is what I think I have for setting in the HPM

Looks like you need to turn off the security in HPM.

I noticed must have input something there. But how to turn it off?
Un-install HPM reinstall and watch not to add any user?
Thanks for your help!

Should be able to just flip the switch inside of HPM

Never get past the error message and the settings screen I attached here!

Removed and re-connected HPM and did NOT select security.
still get same error. hum
Keeps saying HUB security and user name. But never added a user to the HE.
Power cycling the HE will see what happens.
Yikes, that did it now shows the apps in HPM! thanks!
Done for today, will see if I can get Rachio in tomorrow.


Anyone else getting an error on HPM updates with Inovelli Drivers? Causing a fail to update.

Error Occurred During Installation

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to upgrade driver



Me neither.

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