[BETA] Hubitat Package Manager

I don't know if anyone else has this. However, if I open HPM select install either from Tags or Word Search. I get the following errors. Update I don't see these errors. I guess I'm not hitting those locations.

Please, let me konw what you think. Thank you for your help.

I've put in a Pull Request (an update) to remove Mirco's repository now that I have taken over the EcoWitt drivers. If you use these drivers I would suggest transitioning to the copies I have made of these drivers. Given the other log entries from your first screenshot are warnings, hopefully removing this repository may be enough....

EDIT - maybe that comment re a PR is inaccurate, but ultimately, if you are using Mirco's drivers, transition to my copies and remove his repo from the list in HPM.


Thank you for the quick response. I'm trying to figure out what driver it is. It doesn't let me from the packages/info. I'm working on that. Thank you again.

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Sorry, was bit vague... Let me start with did you just accept the fill list of repositories, or choose the individual developers you use code from? Mirco's main driver was the EcoWitt weather station driver I referred to. If you don't use this, then you could safely remove his repository from HPM through the settings page... Let me get a screenshot...

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I just filled the list. I didn't install anything. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I don't have EcoWitt Weather Station.

All good, this may not fix the issue for you, but worth a shot. Try unticking the mircolino repository from the list of repositories in the settings option in the app:

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Thank you! I just completed that. Thank you very much for your help. Error is gone. The other warnings are still there of course. Thank you!

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I :sparkling_heart: this app. Thanks for all the good work.


Getting an error:

An error occurred: Error parsing boolean value. Path '', line 2, position 1.

When trying to add additional drivers into one of my Manifest files using the following command:

hpm manifest-add-driver UnifiManifest.json --location=https://www.drdsnell.com/projects/hubitat/drivers/UnifiNetworkChild-USW16.groovy --required=false --version=0.1.0

Similar commands (just changing the driver) have worked multiple times in the past as you can see if you check the current UnifiManifest.json as it is up to 12 drivers (including the parent and 11 child drivers) but I need to add MANY more at this point.

Other details:

  • Windows 10 using the hpm-win64-1.6.10 build tools
  • UnifiManifest.json is located in the same folder as hpm

Any idea what might be going on or any questions I can answer?

I just ran that same command and it worked fine. The error message you have there suggests your json file had a value in it that wasn't valid for a boolean. However, the UnifManifest.json you provided here is fine. Can you check again? I'm suspecting the UnifiManifest.json on your PC doesn't match the one you linked here.

Thanks! I could have sworn I tried getting the Manifest from the site and starting from scratch, and I did not notice any differences between the two... but just in case I downloaded it again and retried (yet again) and it worked. 6th times a charm?

In any case, worked fine and I have all my additional optional child drivers added as a result. Thanks for the quick response.

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@dman2306: 2 questions about a possible HPM feature...
Is it possible for HPM to identify which devices are using a driver it is handling? If so...
Is it possible for HPM to send a command to those devices?

I would love to have devices correctly show if they are running the latest driver versions or not. My drivers check my website for the latest version every day... but there is no way for them to identify if a user has actually updated them until they perform that check (and performing it on every refresh or faster rates could be bad). If HPM could send an expected command to the device "DriverUpdate()" or something then it would be able to TELL the device it has been updated and thus correct the status on the driver.

Just hoping for something like that...

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No, I don't think something like that would be possible. But also, I'm not really seeing what it accomplishes? What is the point of having the devices check for a new version? That's what HPM does. I'm not really sure what a feature like this would really accomplish for the users.

Well, my drivers have been doing it for a couple years now, long before HPM became available and most of my drivers are not in HPM so I need that function for them.

Even for those users using HPM... they noticed that after updating the driver still had the old version listed.

That also knocks out my other idea... to know when drivers are being handled by HPM so I could disable that update checking. Oh well.

Thanks for the quick response!

Hmm, well HPM doesn't have any knowledge of whether a driver is in use or what is using it. Also if it did, the way Hubitat works, it would not have any way to call a method on those devices. HPM just manages the code, it doesn't do anything to keep track of devices.


That is what I thought it would be... but I thought I should be hopeful and ask.

Does not hurt to try at least. Now I just need to start getting all my other stuff on HPM as well to make it easier for those people that use it.

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@dman2306 Getting errors running matchup. Dunno if it's a specific repository issue or HPM issue...

Mirco pulled his repository.

I got that as well the last time I ran it. I had a an app I had apparently loaded manually and realized it was in HPM, I can't remember which one it was now. When I ran the matchup, and I ran it twice, and both times I got that error. I then went and checked and it had updated HPM to add the app, but the error showed up each time.

Hmm, seems to be halting HPM (at least it appears to, if it's actually finishing I don't know)