I think RM is showing you in black text the current value of that attribute. So for instance, right now the value does not match and thus will not trigger.
Version 0.7.1 is out. This is mostly an internal refactoring, simplifying the timeline event parsing code. But it also fixed an issue with Geofence events not being logged.
Stable? 7 day timer to v1 release.
Definitely following this, that’s been the only thing stoping me from getting the Abode.
I never got one because it didn’t interact with rule machine, buy if this will allow that then I’m on board.
See the wiki page Creating-Triggers-from-Abode-events
@claytonelliott did you follow the instructions at Getting Started · jorhett/hubitat-abode Wiki · GitHub?
I read them. Didn't really want to disable the fault confirming so I did not set Abode to Direct Arm. Is that an absolute requirement? I'm OK if Hubitat can't arm the system. I really just want the data from Abode to flow to Hubitat.
All I did was load the driver code and save it. I didn't get a prompt for my Abode credentials. Is there something I need to do to get the prompt? Or is the Direct Arm setting causing this issue?
You don't see a username and password fields on the driver page? Like this?
If not, look for this flag and change it. Although it shouldn't be masked until after you login:
endorphin_junkie - I got it working. I had added the driver code but didn't realize I needed to create a VIRTUAL device. After doing that and logging in all seems to be working (except arming the system due to the fault confirm setting still being on). Sorry I didn't read far enough into your links as I already knew how to add a driver and I thought it would be an actual device. But it all makes sense now. May want to spell out the VIRTUAL device part in your main how to instructions. I will do some basic testing. My main goal is to make my lights flash when the alarm is sounding. Think that is possible?
Absolutely. You'll probably want to set off your alarm and double-check the messages to be certain how you want to filter, but it should work this easily:
FYI: this has been updated with more explicit instructions. Thanks for the feedback Getting Started · jorhett/hubitat-abode Wiki · GitHub
Closed per OP's request.