Best Way to integrate Hubitat with ST

From what I gathered, the Hubitat can be detected as a Hue Bridge in ST, which happened for me. But I did not see any devices creaeted. Am I missing something? And would only lights show up or all types of devices?

I then switched to "Other Hub Bridge" by krlaframboise. This created all the devices and works quickly when changing the state of a device from ST. But the other way is not "real time". Any change initiated in Hubitat takes a while to be reflected in ST.

So again, what would be the best way to achieve near real-time updates from Hubitat towards ST?

Did you install the App on your Hubitat Hub that pushes device updates in real time? You have to select your Hubitat devices that you want pushed to ST.

You need to install the Other Hub Event Pusher App in Hubitat like @ogiewon mentioned, it’s located in my Hubitat GitHub Repository.

You also have to install the Other Hub Device Viewer SmartApp in SmartThings which is in my SmartThings repository.

I believe you have to enable Oauth for both of them.

In the next release we will be releasing a means to integrate ST into Hubitat. This will work in the opposite direction as Other Hue Bridge. Devices in your ST system can be selected to send events to Hubitat, where created virtual devices will mirror those events.


Thanks guys, works! One step closer to migrating everything to Hubitat while maintaining some of the ST app functionality that I have come to rely on.

@krlaframboise : somehow the virtual devices in ST got messed and I couldn’t get new devices to show up even after several Refresh(s). I changed the device type on the “Hue Bridge” back to the original Hue Bridge and manually deleted all the virtual OHB-devices. Afterwards I switched the device type back to “Other Hub Bridge” and all devices got created correctly. Some observations:

  • Not all of my switches work. Meaning updates in Hubitat do not reflect in ST and I cannot change the device state within ST. Just says “turning on”. I do have that device listed in the event pusher on the Hubitat side and the exact same hardware works fine with another (virtual) switch.
  • Water Leak Sensor shows only battery and temperature but not state (wet/dry) and cannot be included in SHM as a leak sensor. Guess the DTH does not have that “capability”
  • Temperature sensors cannot be selected for update in the event pusher.

And I am by no means ungrateful and can try to “fix” some of these things myself, even though it would probably be messy, but maybe this might be useful for other users, too.

If you did like I did and deleted a few of the child devices, then you will get errors refreshing. You would need to first open the "other hub bridge", click on the cog for settings and click save. Then do a refresh. I learned this after completely redoing everything like you did...which isn't necessary if you re-save the bridge device.

@ogiewon, can you add this as an FYI in your step by step.

Thanks, I’m sure this knowledge will come in handy in the future.


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Did you update the Other Hub Device Viewer SmartApp?

The other things you mentioned aren't bugs, they're just not supported yet, but adding support for those capabilities is on my To Do list.

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Yes, I updated the Viewer App as well. Also tried triggering the switch through the Dashboard without success.

And I didn’t mean to imply that the other observations were bugs. Sorry.

Don’t forget to name the device with proper name in “Device Name *” and not just “device label” otherwise ST side will give your whatever is on device name and not device label.

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