Be able to view disabled rules

It would be very convenient if we could view disabled rules like we can view disabled devices instead of having to enable the rule (with the chance it may execute) just to take a look at it.


Completely agreed. In fact, I learned to my dismay that clicking DONE on a running Rule's edit screen causes the rule to terminate and reset, canceling any delayed actions. This can have truly unexpected consequences.

So there's extra incentive not to have rules firing while you're trying to edit them, and vice versa.

But can I suggest an alternative approach? Why not -- instead of DISABLE'ing the Rule -- simply click PAUSE (or STOP)? Those effectively 'disable' the rule while leaving it viewable and editable.

Or am I off on a tangent here?


I used to use pause but I'm one of the users for whom pause doesn't show up in the app list for the rules that have "required expression false". This is a problem because I can't see when those rules are paused without opening each one. Unfortunately, bravenel hasn't been able to fix the pause issue because it doesn't happen to him. And, honestly, after using disable, I find the red X a lot easier to spot.

Anyway, it's a wish. If it doesn't happen, I can live with that too.

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