Battery reporting incorrect on smartthings smartsense multisensor v4

I have 3 of these.. 1 is at 15% the other 2 have been at 0-1% for weeks and they are stil lworking fine..

when i put new batteries in the drop in days to very low levels but still work.. they are in cold locations.
the two lowest are outdoors the other is on a basement outter door to the hatch.. maybe they cannot report voltage correctly when cold or it could be a bug in the device handler, which is why i am reporting it.


In my experience battery reporting is flaky at best. One of my Aqara temperature sensors just exhausted its battery. The last report of voltage was -203.

I no longer even look at the battery value, I use one of the community apps that monitors if a device doesn't report every day.


thanks already had that setup for my freezers, wine coolers etc, so added those sensors to the list to check every 12 hours.

Amen to @JohnRob's comment. You just can't depend on battery reporting from far too many devices, from almost any mfr. Maybe one day, but not yet.

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Which device reporting app are you using?

I have one in particular that was reporting 0 for 3 weeks and I finally replaced the battery. It was 90% on replacement. The next morning, 37%.

It would be nice if the drivers had a way we could change the Max and Min voltage when needed so that we might be able to at least simulate tuning the battery monitor for each device.

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i am using device activity check
[RELEASE] Device Activity Check - Get notifications for "inactive" devices - Apps and Drivers / Community Apps - Hubitat

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I use " Device Activity Check" by @bertabcd1234 but I'm trying to modify it to have a light turned on when a device doesn't report in the allotted period of time.

I like it because for me it seems very straight forward and simple. For me this function need not be overly complicated.

Battery reporting has gone out the window with the baby and the bath water. :wink:
I rattled my brain on ST for the last 2 years with replacing batteries that were 100% and one week later were 33% then 1%. I changed suppliers, Sony/Pana/ no diff.
Turns out it's just a random number :slight_smile: as there is no standard definition of a full battery (3, 3.2 3.6 etc) and the ramp during usage; all device dependant.
I have an ST motion sensor that started at 100% last year and went to 0. I moved over to HE and it's been runing at 0 for months with no issue.

I've also noticed that Lithium batteries seem to report a healthy level of charge but then drop precipitously over a very short period of time, while standard alkaline batteries have a more gradual loss. The lithiums are great for cold weather, but when they say they're dropping, they mean, "Change me out NOW!".

Rhata the point that is incorrect for this device the battery drops immediately and even at 0 works done months. So the battery reporting is wrong or the device is reporting it wrong. If you replaced the battery every time it drops you would be replacing every 2 days.

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