Well that's weird.
@bravenel said that all I saw when I tried to create a rule was convert a Simple Automation to RM, was because I only had SA rules.
I guess I could install BR as a test, against my better judgement, as I said. 
edit: I just did and yes, it does work. I get a choice of Basic or Simple conversion.
As a side note, I can't say I like BR over SA. 
Yeah, we created Simple Automation for those who would benefit from a simpler approach, than say, Rule Machine. But, Basic Rules came later. Two different approaches to creating an automation. SA is oriented around what device you want to turn on or off (device orientation), and BR is oriented around what to do when something happens (event orientation). Everyone's mind works in different ways, and find different things intuitive or difficult.
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BR seems to have a lot of extraneous blah blah blah.
But my total exposure to it was creating that one test rule, so there's that. 
Makes you an authority, for sure.