I have the following two basic rules. The first is to turn on a light at sunset. The second is to turn it off at 11:00 pm . The first rule always works, however the second never does. I am moving over from Wink and using the same method as I did there.
Welcome to the Community.
Many of us would request you post screenshots, but the default for the underlying forum system blocks new users, understandably, until they have proven themselves worthy.... The @support team can hopefully help with that....
From what you have described, I would have expected you rule to work, if nothing else, the first to have posed problems rather than the second....
If not screenshots, in the meantime, some text representation of the rule would also be helpful....
Welcome aboard. I have adjusted your community account so you can post screenshots. If you didn't see this document, yet, check out the following link for basic troubleshooting tips on apps and devices:
Looking forward to be part of this community. In process of moving all my Z-Wave controls over to Hubitat after going through another Wink disaster.
Her are the two scripts:
When Time of Day is 15 minutes before sunset ...
Turn on Hearth Room, Office
When Time of Day is 11:00 PM ...
Turn off Hearth Room, Office
Thanks bobbyD
Looks like @bobbyD has sorted out your access to post screenshots. Also looks like you may be experiencing a similar issue to another Community member....
After all that I can't offer much in the way of assistance... The rule looks ok to me,,,, @support ?
Can you post a screenshot of the rule’s Scheduled Jobs? There should be something in there showing it is scheduled to run at 11pm tonight.
From the top right, click on the gear icon. The Scheduled Jobs are shown on the bottom of the screen.
Another thing you can do is turn on logging. Then in the logs, you can see if the rule actually ran or not. (Change the time to test it without waiting till tonight…)
If it ran but nothing happened, it might be an issue with the Z-Wave mesh. Can you post the Z-Wave Details screen? (From Settings)
I'll start by deleting it and redoing.. It is not just in this instance. I have the same issue with all of my rules for turning off devices. All of the turn - on rules work and all the turn-off rules do not initiate. I will go through the troubleshooting link provided by bobbyD for a start. Thanks
If they are turning on/off scenes then that may be useful for BobbyD....
In cases like this, most often the device isn't reporting as "on". If you enable logging for the rule you can trace the problem to the device. I would confirm that the device is working properly and reporting its states appropriately.
Will do. Thx
By that screenshot you have multiple ghosts, at least 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x10, 0x12, if not others. This will cause significant issues like you are experiencing. You can look at the Route column and it if is blank suspect it is a ghost. Battery powered devices might be blank if they aren't triggered, but these in your screenshot are line powered and definitely should have routes.
These ghosts are failed pairings of the devices immediately below the working ones. Click "refresh" next to ghost node, and see if you get a "remove" button. You may have to click refresh a couple times to get it to recognize that it is a ghost.
You also may have to reboot the hub (Settings tab, reboot) in between instances, and in other cases it helps to totally shut down the hub (Again in Settings tab), pull the power for a minute or so at the wall, and try removal again.
The next thing to try if the ghost won't remove with the button is removing power from the real device that created the ghost, in the case of 0x0D, 0x0E is is probably 0x0F that is the culprit.
What I find odd is that those devices have different device names… I wonder what would happen if they were turned on/off via the device page (can be accessed quickly by clicking on the device name in blue) - would the Route populate?
Ok. I’ll try to muddle my way through this. Good, hard way to learn. I will get back to you with further questions, I am sure.
Good catch!
Worth a shot.
If they aren't ghost nodes, then I would suspect an incomplete pairing. Either way, something seems amiss here.
Ok. So I can explain the ghost devices. These are actual devices which I hook up outdoors primarily over Halloween and Christmas for holiday decorations. The rest of the year I un-pluck them. I don’t want to install/uninstall these every time I use them.