Backup to local target

Hey all! I was just wondering if there is a way that I can backup my hub automatically to another device on my network, i.e. a network shared folder on my PC or a NAS. Thanks in advance for your help!

Yes there is. I'm doing it but I've forgot how. Every morning at 9 am it saves a backup to my laptop.
Maybe someone with a better memory will chime in. Or, you could search on the target with my username and come up with something.

Yes. Search the community forum for backup script. For example:

Note that these local backups only contain the hub's H2 database. Notably, they do not contain the z-wave and zigbee radio databases.


This was my thread. And it works. And I didn't re-read it, lol.

I think I'm saving it to the cloud too via some free MS product that came with the laptop.

Could it be PowerShell? That should exist on every Windows PC. I used to use this PS script:

Hubitat/Hubitat-Configuration-Backup.ps1 at master ยท BlueBlock/Hubitat ยท GitHub

I'll give this a shot and let you know if it works. Thanks!

Looks like you are just saving it to a OneDrive folder which will automatically sync changes to/from the MS cloud system.

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Yep. That rings a bell.

It also doesn't include the local file storage, which @thebearmay has developed a driver to back these files up