This time I wasn't doing a backup, the first I noticed was that none of the lights were coming on with motion when they should.
When I looked at the Zigbee settings page, the channel was unchanged at 25. Disabling Zigbee and then Re-enabling it fixed it, but I'm getting concerned about this now happening at random times rather than just when I do a manual backup when I am at least watching the system anyway.
@bobbyD Has anyone been looking at this from your end? It happened again to me today, and seems to be pretty much anytime I do a manual backup it knocks my Zigbee radio out.
It's weird because I can download any of the automatic backups without an issue, and I presume the automatic 3am backups themselves don't cause this issue or I would wake up every day with no Zigbee? My backups aren't huge at around 25MB.
My hub is running fine with no lag or any other issues apart from this.
Happened again today.
Downloaded a backup and zigbee radio went offline.
Channel still says 20 this time.
Disabling and re-enabling the zigbee radio brings it back working OK.
I only have 8 zigbee devices connected directly to the HE hub.
Is this on your radar @bobbyD
I've actually resisted doing "live" backups altogether because of this issue. It was happening more often than not for me.
I now just download the latest overnight backup instead. The only issue with this is that the backup is in Night mode if it needs restoring and I need to remember to change the mode to Day.
Looks like maybe this has calmed down for some but I have noticed since the latest 119 update that my Zigbee has gone offline a couple of times in 2 days. My Zigbee network has 25 devices on it running on Channel 20. It has been rock solid for a long time and I've not added or moved anything in months. I'm afraid to start mucking with it and changing channels and moving things around if this looks to be a hub issue.
Run a wifi analyzer. Even though I had selected channel 1 on my router, it was actually running on an interfering channel. After I got it to go to channel 1 my zigbee net (ch20) went from nightmare to dream.
I've been having the odd weird issue of things just not working as good as they have been. Occasional rules not firing etc. (Maybe zigbee issues. Who knows).
Read this and thought, "Lets just check my router" and see what the settings are.
I'm currently running zigbee channel 20 and had set my router to fixed channel 1.
When I just checked the settings had changed to "Up to 300Mbps" and was using bonded channels 2 + 6.
I don't know how it changed, but it had.
Just changed it back to "Up to 144Mbps" and fixed channel 1 again.
Hopefully this has been my issue and maybe this is a prompt for other people, including myself, to check the router occasionally to ensure tings are as they should be.
Maybe there has been a router update which has reverted things. Who knows.
Thanks for the prompt though @zarthan