Backup downloaded. ZigBee radio goes unavailable and channel changes to 11

@Royski has just had to replace his zigbee stick because his ‘combo’ one went bad

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I’ve had this happen on my c-5 a few times. Backup is around 31MB. It seems random and hasn’t happened in a few weeks at this point.

Interesting. My backups are only about 18mb. I have about 200 devices (mix of virtual,zigbee,zwave,wifi). I also have about 50 custom apps and probably about 30 custom drivers. I also keep my logging to a minimum unless I’m troubleshooting an issue.

It does take a while (probably 30s or so) for the backup to get created when I’m manually downloading it.

Just putting this out there. Not sure if it will actually help or mean anything.

I have 3 hubs with hubconnect: coordinator, Zwave only and Zigbee only. My coordinator hub slows down over a period of days and my nightly automated backup will timeout eventually for my coordinator hub. I am now auto restarting the hub every 4 days to prevent this from happening. YMMV.

Since changing my stick, I’ve re-paired quite a few things again and all have stayed connected.

I’m up to 231. I haven’t added anything in a while, but the backup gets bigger every day.

I now make a habit to disable RM, SL and dashboard when doing a backup or Z-wave repair. Yeah I know, I should find out why but it's one of those thing that's just a pain. I suspect I have too many devices, rules and dashboards running.

If just updated to I did a fresh backup to local PC for the first time in a while (I've just been downloading the automatic 3am backups when I need to) and noticed 2 things:

  1. It didn't crash the Zigbee radio and
  2. It took much longer than previously to complete the download.

I wonder if the backup/download process has been throttled back in some way to save the Zigbee radio? If it has, it seems to be working :+1:


I haven't seen any problems with this in quite a while thankfully.

Did a manual backup this morning and the Zigbee radio went offline again.

@Geoff_T Do you try to operate lights etc from the device page when the radio is listed as offline?

No. I just have the backup browser page open on my PC, and the red notification flag pops up to say Zigbee Radio is offline. I've never actually tested if it's true. I generally only do a manual backup just before I'm doing a firmware update and the update and restart process brings the Zigbee radio back anyway.

Did the channel show up as 11 or didn't you notice?

As mentioned earlier, it could be just a UI issue, and the radio is in fact not offline. It would be worth trying.

OK, if it happens again I'll check. Thanks

No I didn't check on the Zigbee settings page at all. I just saw the notification flag saying it had gone offline.

Please update this thread with what you find. Thanks.

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I can't be 100% sure as I didn't make a note of the exact time the Zigbee radio offline message popped up, but looking at the event history for several Zigbee sensors there is a 10 minute window before the firmware update/restart when no Zigbee sensors had any events at all but my Iotawatt LAN device was still reporting fine. So I would say the Zigbee was actually offline and it wasn't just a UI error.

Yeah, when I first raised this issue my zigbee radio was DEFINITELY offline and the channel was showing as 11.
TBH I only noticed that there was an issue when lights that triggered with motion did not come on. I missed the radio being offline flag.

Would be nice if we can setup notification when system failure like this shows up. I have one for SQL server error but that's using node red.