Auto Off for Kitchen based on motion and other switch

You want the Wait for Expression: Breakfast Light after the waiting for motion to be inactive.
Also, add Kitchen and V3 as triggers to restart the rule if you're waiting for the Breakfast Light to turn off but one of them goes active again.

To make RL work:

  • Uncheck the 'Act' column (that was suggested before)
  • Include the motion sensors in the Means to Activate Lights section
  • You probably want 'Turn Off even if already partially off' set
  • I find it useful to configure the 'Switches that Determine All Lights Are Off'

This only works if 'Turn Off even if already partially off' is set as the RL instance does not get activated without a means to do so.

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See my setup above...worked perfectly w/those settings :slight_smile: which include "turn off even if partially off..." No means to activate is required if that is not for this use-case...maybe I misunderstood but I don't think he was asking for the automation to turn the lights on.

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ok-- First i would like to thank you @pseudonym and everyone else, @danabw @SmartHomePrimer @sburke781 @bill.d , for working with me on this.. I have been messing with it for a week or so... I had it work generically with only motion for light off function and we had an issue when we were in the breakfast area.
I have tested this a few ways and it seems to work appropriately, i did add a second wait function to the break light (wait) because i did not wanting it turning off right away when the breakfast light went off.

I will report back this weekend if anything is off.


Yes, it works, but you are short-circuiting the expected logic of the app. The app expects an activate/off cycle. It's highly possible to have a RL instance without 'Turn Off even if already partially off' set. In that case the RL instance won't ever turn off the lights.

Unchecking the 'Act' column means the lights won't go on when the app gets activated.

It's not immediately evident when using the app, but activate/off applies to the app instance, not the devices within it. The 'Act' and 'Off' columns in the device table control what happens to the individual devices when the app is activated or turned off.


They call me the disruptor. :wink:

Yes, you're right, what you lay out is the right way to do it from the perspective of the app's intended use. I stumbled across the alternate setup (dare I call it my RL hack? :slight_smile: ) that I posted above early on when I was experimenting w/RL and liked that I didn't even have to go into the Activate section at all to make things work the way I wanted to. Ironically, I'm no longer am using any RL automations w/that setup as my use-cases have changed.

Sort of. The only thing missing from your example was selecting “Do Not Activate “ under the Means to Activate. This just formalizes the app’s logic to only look for Off events and treats it as a vacancy instance.

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I did not even notice the " Don't Activate" under the Activation list..

I would assume this would work as my intended use by utilizing this portion.

It would allow the instance become active if a device was turned on, correct, just no activation methods ... Vacancy, with breakfast light being a PAUSE, as I was trying to use.

From the documentation on Room Lighting, “The "don't activate" option is used to create an automation that only turns devices off.” Technically, Room Lighting does not activate. Instead, it just looks for your motion sensors to become inactive and turn off the lights. If you use @danabw’s setup with the do not activate, it should work the way you want.

It does, I've tested it several times. :slight_smile: It is a wierd looking automation w/the top half of the RL page empty. :wink:


I got it working with RM BUT I will build this and disable to test when wife is not cooking.....

Again, thank you to everyone ... I tend to overthink it and end up in a mess. :frowning:

I have a few other RM instances that I am working on now based off this information... Very helpful.

Some moved to RL.


I want to give everyone an update on this.... I built both as RM and RL.. Both work as intended...

Im using RL one right no because im trying to get use to using that app when it works. I have a new rule I will be posting there to try and figure out..

Honestly best community around.. Thank you