Auto Lock Door after X Time

Its easiest to work backwards. First, go into Rule Machine and go to "Define a Trigger". For the trigger event you'll use the door closing, like this:


Then, for the action you'll have the lock locking (can't do that, I don't have one). You'll also arm HSM and set the Private Boolean false for the rule you're in, like this:

Under Restrictions, make sure you enable private Boolean:

Then, in the 2nd trigger, you'll use the lock code instead of keypad code but like this:


Then you'll set the Private Boolean True for the other Trigger. Mike was called test:

That's it. You're all set.

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Thanks for the detailed post. I have setup with your directions. I will test this in the morning.


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you can actually do what this original post was looking to do without requiring an additional door sensor. Meaning you can set a rule that will lock a door lock after x minutes only if the door is still unlocked. you need to set up a conditional rule with IF <> THEN <> ELSE.

here's what the rule looks like:

Front Door Lock changed

Conditional Action:
IF (Front Door Lock unlocked(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Delay 0:02:00 (cancelable)
Lock: Front Door Lock --> delayed: 0:00:10 (cancelable)
Notify My iPhone: 'Front door Autolocked' --> delayed: 0:00:10 (cancelable)
Cancel Delayed Actions