Australian Users: Amber electric

Yes, it was pretty accurate. The Amber iOS app says yesterday’s spike was about 362c, and my price watcher says it got to 363c.

Odd with the spike now. It's saying it's 19c but in amber app it's $5 here

I wonder if they have an updated API
Will ask

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G'day, have read through the post here and looks like you guys are connecting to Amber's hubitat hub to inform power consumption. I'm doing this manually right now with Kasa smart plug to charge my EV and run the pool pumps. Getting tedious as the market fluctuations mean the times change quite a bit, would love to have this automated.

I'm kinda technical, (good at following instructions and troubleshooting) but not a coder. Would you mind describing how to conect to Amber's API and create rules in Hubitat ?

many thanks in advance

how on earth have I only just found this thread?
nice work guys - I was already doing load control based on household energy status, but on retail tariff not wholesale. i was not aware that any wholesaler had made a public API available. hmmm might be time to check out Amber...

@joel_dj did you update the driver for the new API?

no i didn't write original driver. still using the old one. amber has been great - it's still cheaper for me even tho many spikes have occured due to numerous issues which they explain in email. they reimburse you as well if you're going to go over the wholesale average cost.

old api is working but not sure how accurate it still is. they do recommend updating

thanks. yeah i've signed up to amber already. :slight_smile:
i tried the wholesale electricity thing years ago when it first started, but it sucked big time (financially and experience-wise) so i went back to traditional retailers with my tail between my legs. but so far, amber is looking to be a different beast.

it looks like the driver will need re-writing more or less from scratch, as the new API seems to be quite different from the 'pre-release' version.
shouldn't be too difficult, just gotta take the time to do it - but i hate re-creating wheels so wanted to touch base first.

Fantastic please let us know how you go.

You'll see how I use it above It makes a huge difference. Not sure how many pieces of automation you have in your home. That can switch off when the price hits above x.

yeah i already load control my heating/cooling and pool depending on my solar/battery and net energy use. the only thing i haven't been able to do is factor in the price for the net energy use. which now i can :money_mouth_face:

i'm excited to see the real-world savings this activity can generate.

Hi all.

Just moved to Amber and at the moment I’m using a combination of Hubitat and Home Assistant to do my automations.

The Amber support on Home Assistant is using the new API and has been super accurate.

The Tesla Powerwall Manager app on Hubitat is also excellent

Using this I have advanced automations assessing weather, Amber current price, solar generation and battery levels.

If the variables mean I won’t charge my battery for free, I have the Powerwall Manager flip the Powerwall into backup mode so it charges from the grid (and any solar) while cheaper.

So far so good. But would love to be able to do this all in one system so eagerly watching this thread for an updated driver for the new API.


Just signed up to Amber.
Does anyone have their usage/solar graphed via nodered with the new API?