August Lock Struggles Cont’d


Long time huge habitat fan, first time poster.

August locks paired via Z-Wave need some love.

I’m on hub- again after toggling between drivers (generic to August), re-pairing locks, rolling-back firmware, changing batteries, and following thread #14077.

All no dice, and am not going to buy repeaters when my hub is 10 feet from the lock.

I saw a lot of Z-Wave changes mentioned in firmware updates recently— could this be the culprit?

What's the lock firmware version? @bjcowles has the most experience with this lock, and my recollection is that he had August push a firmware downgrade to get his lock working well with HE. And since then, his lock has worked well with HE.

Here is his last post on the subject:


Thank you for the quick response.

Firmware version is undefined-1.59.0-1.13.2 per the app.

I’ll contact august support as you suggest and report back here.

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You don't necessarily need dedicated repeaters, but having only locks or only battery devices doesn't make for a good Zwave mesh, which is required to consistently make the locks work. Do you have line powered Zwave like light switches in your mesh? If not that is probably why you are having lock issues.

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Hello @aaiyar. Thanks again for this suggestion.

I confirm that @bjcowles identified the fix: calling August Support at 1-844-284-8781 and asking them to roll back firmware to 1.59.0-1.8.15 on the lock fixes the issue. When calling them, I suggest telling them you do not have their connect bridge (they will insist you use this which obviously defeats the purpose of privacy and working with the Hubitat hub).

I did this on two Smart Lock Pros and they have been working perfectly for a week. I do not own any other z-wave accessories--and both locks sit within 20 feet of the hub blocked by walls/floors.

Thanks for your help!!


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