Is it possible to display some strings in Attribute tile in couple of rows?
I have a string variable which I use as an events list.
I add new row (line) there everytime any doors or windows are open. But when I try to display that variable on dashboard using Attribute tile there is a problem with rows. It looks like this tile deletes all the "enters".
Please help
My variable looks like that:
9:02 Doors are open
9:04 Doors are closed
But Attribute tile looks more or less like that:
9:02 Doors are open 9:04 Doors
are closed
Depending on how you're entering the variable you may be able to put in a < br /> (remove the space before the b) where you want the newline and get it to work
I put it in a declared variable just so that it doesn't get flaky down inside the piston. !Testvar is a device created with a simple device driver that does nothing but set an attribute to the value passed (works like a global connector in RM).
Thanks a lot!
Your screenshot gave me an idea how to resolve my problem
I created new variable and called it "NL". Then I put there <br /> manually through "Devices" section and "Set Variable" command because RM doesn't allow to put html code to the variable. That's why I needed to do it manually.
And then I added "NL" variable through RM to my variable which contains my events log.