It would be nice if the Attribute Template could add access to the "Last Activity" attribute of the given driver. It already has "Last Update" available (for what reason someone would like to know the last update of the driver on their dashboard I don't know). However, Last Activity (which would indicate the last time a battery operated device updated it's status) would be very useful.
Could be wrong (happens more often than I'd like) but I think "Last Update" is the last update of the device status not when the driver code was updated.
Looks like you are correct. In the dashboard, the attribute "Last Update" reflects the devices "Last Activity At" field which is what I was looking for.
Confusing since in the driver, right next to the "Last Activity At" is the "Last Update Time" which reflects the last time the driver code itself was updated on the Hubitat.
I had assumed that the naming would be consistent.
Probably different programmers at different times on the base code. Worked on some systems that ran 30 years, and as much as we tried to keep things consistent it never happened. By the end we spent more time tracking down the variable definitions than we did fixing the code.
As a note, the Attribute -> Last Update tile on the dashboard does not refresh regularly. I have to reload the dashboard for it to update. Other attributes (rssi on my wireless devices) update as expected.
I want to add that this kind of defeats the purpose of having a "Last Updated" tile in the first place.