Attempting to get Alexa to handle my Hubitat z-wave devices

Running C8 and Alexa cannot control any of my z-wave devices


Family Room Plug

Front Bedroom Light

sys:12023-06-15 03:35:37.879 PMwarnReceived cloud request for App 8 that does not exist, path: /device/10 from

sys:12023-06-15 03:35:36.925 PMwarnReceived cloud request for App 8 that does not exist, path: /device/10 from

dev:102023-06-15 03:35:02.894 PMinfoFront Bedroom Light was turned off [digital]

dev:102023-06-15 03:34:57.173 PMinfoFront Bedroom Light was turned on [digital]

Hello, welcome to the Hubitat community!

Copy/paste logs are somewhat hard to follow, the formatting ends up weird. I know you probably can't post screenshots, but if you join the Owner group in the following link, you get that permission. Hubitat

Sorry if these are dumb questions, but your information is a bit sparse.

  • Do these devices work correctly from the Device tab and/or a Dashboard?
  • Did you go to the Alexa app and see these devices?
  • Does Alexa give some type of spoken error when you ask her to do [whatever]?

Maybe your issue is related to this?

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Your logs would apparently indicate that you created, authenticated, and then deleted the Amazon Echo Skill app on your Hubitat.

Can you explain exactly what happened?

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These devices were origionally installed in Alexa as Nexis/Trane. I deleted the skill and initiated the Hubitat Skill. Each skill now points to Hubitat.

The devices work in the Dashboard and in the Device Tab
I can see the devices in Alexa and it states that they are "Offline"

I asked Alexa to turn off the "Front Bedroom Light"
She responded "Hmm, Front Bedroom Light is not responding

MY log shows:
sys:12023-06-15 10:47:34.536 PMwarnReceived cloud request for App 8 that does not exist, path: /device/10 from

sys:12023-06-15 10:47:33.612 PMwarnReceived cloud request for App 8 that does not exist, path: /device/10 from