Assistance with Rule for Amazon Soap Dispenser

I was going to suggest a contact sensor on the seat... but that would initiate a whole other stream of popular references about peoples habits in this area....


You just need to buy the new Amazon toilet seat..


Come back @Sunmill and save us from ourselves.... :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Sunmill porbably rues the day he posted his question. But all jokes aside, at least for now, it looks like this is a bluetooth device that is paired to an echo? Hard to tell from the description online but the 30ft limit is a giveaway. So I'm guessing it appears as... what... a motion sensor to an Alexa routine? I suppose you could use some sort of intermediate alexa routine to trigger a virtual switch and let HE know the soap had been dispensed...


Instead of a "reminder" message maybe a "thank you for washing your hands! Keep up the good work!" positive reinforcement kind of thing..

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That has the advantage of likely being far easier to implement, likely all within an echo routine.


You said bathroom, not washroom, where I'm from a bathroom has a shower/tub in it. If so, I think having a humidity sensor included would help create scenarios where the announcement fires when it's actually needed. IE If the humidity is greater than X% the rule wouldn't need to fire.

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That is a completely sensible definition of course.. Not sure why us Americans have not kept to that - maybe for expediency I guess :man_shrugging: On a fun note you (everyone here) might be interested in this magnificent smart device I just read about for your bathing room...

Seems like a bargain at $8K USD... :scream:


You would need to be mindful of those coming in after someone finishes in the shower or bath.

The humidity can get pretty high on its own in my bathroom naturally, without me having a shower. So the threshold would be hard to set

A comparison between two humidity sensors? That's the way the Hub Whisperer showed for controlling a bathroom fan on the HE YouTube video


Would certainly be worth looking at over a period of time to get some data

Uh oh, guys, I think you scared him away. :wink:

I'd just do an announce every time the door closes, along the lines of @erktrek's suggestion of a positive approach. I frequently used a presumptive close when I was in sales many moons ago, so something like "Use as much soap as you like when you wash your hands." or similar. :slight_smile: If that could be done in Clint Eastwood's squinty-eyed voice, all the better.


Even better if you could have a set of randomized sayings... so it's not the same all the time. This would be especially fun for the kiddos... but could backfire I guess.

Yeah definitely apologies to @Sunmill !!! I hope there was at least some interesting ideas in all our jibber jabber...


Everybody is offering half solutions. You need to combine a flow sensor on the water line (toilet and sink), a tilt sensor on the lid, a luminance sensor in the bowl, and a camera with facial recognition capabilities. An upgrade would be to add a magnetic lock on the door so it can't be opened until you have properly washed your hands.


Sort of surprised an air quality monitor hasn't been suggested yet.

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Well, Jason Bottjen (@JasonJoel) did a nice set of posts on monitoring air quality for his litter box in order to turn on the fan. Seems like it would be equally applicable here to monitor fumes from the toilet.


@Inge_Jones - It is just to give people a good laugh, I seriously doubt I will keep it running !00% of the time when people visit.

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@erktrek - My wife's sense of humor is almost as sick as mine, she thinks it will be hilarious!


Are you sunmill?