Are you an Automation Person or a Manual Control and Monitoring Person?

That's called growth.... :wink:


Left here without comment... :wink:


I really do feel your pain. I kinda cringe every time she talks to Alexa. I never know what will happen.
I tell her she has COPD. Can't operate devices.


I have a Google Home/Nest mini in the house with the microphone turned off. I have no urge to have it listening to everything I say. That being said, I am an eclectic automation person. There are things that are automated, but some we keep as manual. Things like the bathroom light and fan are ones that my wife and I don't think need automating or monitoring. Other lights are automated for either time of day, motion, or both. Security and safety related things are automated, such as leak, smoke, and CO detection along with a water shut-off valve that will be installed Friday (LeakSmart Zigbee valve) but door locks are not and will not be automated any time soon. If we had others coming in and out while we were away, then I could see it, but not just for the two of us. Plus, what good would having a Zigbee or Z-Wave deadbolt on the door if we have a locking storm door? I don't know of any automated locks for those.

I could see adding automated shades/blinds to a couple of windows in the house, but not all through. They are very expensive. Manually operated window treatments are already quite expensive.

Anyway, that's my opinion. My wife is satisfied with the level of automation we have. That's the most important thing.

We are also just two at home now, and like our automated door locks beause they keep us from accidentally leaving the door unlocked overnight or when we're out and about during the day, via 10m auto lock if door is closed and the lock is unlocked.

We think of it like leak/fire/CO detection...guards us against our "memory leaks." :wink: Our locks have a keypad to enter a lock code, but also allow use of normal keys. That flexibility is important - wife and kids use codes, but my Mom (who used to come over to help w/our dogs when we were away) wanted to use a key. I think the auto-lock is probably my wife's favorite automation.


I have to automate the bathroom fans or no one ever uses them when they take a bath.


I have to automate the bathroom fans or no one ever turns them off when they take a shower.


So the multiverse is real...spooky!



I have to automate the bathroom fans or no one else will


We have the combined light/fan in the bathrooms. Initially, it was just fans with lights above the sinks. I swapped the fans out for light/fan units, but they care still controlled by one switch. Since having the light closer to the shower is desirable, the light/fan gets used. If there were separate switches, I would likely automate the fan part, not because we forget to turn them on or off, but to give a time for excess humidity to be removed without us having to monitor it.

Right! The issue is not whether the bathroom fans should be automated, but rather can they be automated.

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Hell I even was able to integrate my dogs into HE (no lie)


I used to have Alexa announce "the cat has pooped" after the litter box was used. SPAF not so high on that one.


After 9pm if the door contact sensor on my 4year old's room goes off (a GE Hinge pin sensor), pushover sends an [H] priority message to my phone with a specific alarm that my German Shepherd reacts to. If he hears it he immediately tears through the house looking for the kid and pins him till we get there. my GSD's excitement triggers my other dog's excitement and he runs after him and they both corner the kid... I just follow the screams and squeals and put the kid back in bed.


My devious side wants to walk past the door, open and close it and watch the chaos that ensues.... :slight_smile: Although I expect the German Shepherd would have pinned me down before I got the chance....


"Hey Google, that light over there should turn on."

Yeah, that's just not going to work.

You might reconsider. I expect that is how relational databases got started. :grin:


He would likely lick your face off... (Not kidding, an aggressive licker) (That is actually him, full name, Hammersmith Rocco's Modern Death)


He must hang around Newfoundland's... :slight_smile:

OMG that is an amazing appendage. Can he hop around on it? :wink:

If I was your kid I'd get up several times every night just to play w/the dog. :smiley:


Honestly he hates being attacked like that lol

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