Aqara P1 motion sensors dropping offline

I have 8x Aqara P1 motion sensors that go offline on a regular basis. They pair quickly, but it’s an irritation that I have to keep pairing them.

Using the latest drivers (as far as I know).

Section of log while offline follows:
dev:2062025-01-14 07:13:05.034 PM


java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 1130 (method parse)

dev:2062025-01-14 07:13:04.336 PM


M1P-6 [LR End Table] (parse attr 5) device lumi.motion.ac02 button was pressed

dev:2062025-01-14 07:13:04.334 PM


M1P-6 [LR End Table] (parse) device model is LUMI

dev:2062025-01-14 07:13:03.789 PM


M1P-6 [LR End Table] healthStatus changed to online

dev:2062025-01-14 07:12:54.917 PM


M1P-6 [LR End Table] configure...fullInit = false (driver version 1.7.0 2024/08/15 8:26 AM)

I really have no idea, but you could try taking one of them and totally delete the device. Then reset the sensor to factory settings, and pair it fresh, so it becomes a totally new device. That can be a pain since you have to update anywhere it was used, but that is the type of thing I would try.

There is a 1.7.2 version of kkossev's driver you can update to as well.

I’m at 1.7.0

See the 1.7.2 driver but the package manager does not pick it up.

Not sure how to manually add it, directions to do it?

Just turn on developer tools if not on, so you can click on driver code. Then find the driver in drivers code list and open it. Ctl-A to select all, then press delete. Paste in the new code and hit save.

Thanks, see I have older drivers that I thought were updating automatically - however it's confusing when they have the same name.

Does anyone know how to rename them to eliminate this confusion?

Hi @user2428 ,

See these hints How To Delete Duplicated Drivers.

This is about How To Update to the latest development branch version.

The problem is not that you are not using the latest driver version, there are no changes related to Aqara P1 motion sensors between versions 1.7.0 and 1.7.2

I see you have been using the Aqra P1 motion sensors for an year now, what are the recent changes in your setup?


'rxCounter' stands for 'received messages counter', and a value of 3 means that the device leaves the Zigbee network shortly after the pairing attempt.

Are you trying pairing a new P1 sensor to a new (or migrated) C-8 hub?

Thank you for reporting this issue. It was affecting the ping() command only, now fixed in 'Aqara P1 Motion Sensor' driver version 1.7.3

This update was also pushed via HPM.

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Thank you for your interest and work.

After the 1.7.3 upgrade to all the units, everything was stable until this morning when I noticed that 4 of the 7 I have went offline (2x at the same time, 1x 12hr later and the last I do not know as I reset it before looking)

These are the 4x units that I continually have issues with, the other three just work.

Stable one:

Unstable one:

I have both a C7 hub with just one P1 on it and can’t remember an issue with it.

These are on a C8 and all I remember is issues with them on it. Maybe I should just abandon the C8 hub? Not interested in Matter / Home kit at this point, just looking for a stable motion sensor in the P1 form factor.

Or move to a C8 Pro?

Compare the 'parentNWK' attribute of the stable and the unstable sensors:

This is the NWK of the router (repeater) that the P1 motion sensor is paired to the hub,
If the NWK is 0000 - this is is direct connection to the hub.
(if you go to Settings -> Zigbee details and search the web page for the 4-digit NWK you will find the router's name).

Is there a dependency?

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It seems so, the ones that drop off line are going thru another device, while the direct connected ones are more stable (over the last 5 days)

Should I be pairing the P1’s near the hub and then moving them to their desired location?

Still having issues with my Aqara’s going offline, they just seem to fall offline when they want:

The C7 I have seems very stable, it has one P1 and just never falls off. The C8 (purchased when it first came out) has always been squirrly with the P1s. It is up to date - don’t know if I should go back to the C7 or forward to the C8 Pro.