I recently (ok, not so recently) had one FP2 die, and I finally ordered a replacement. Does anyone know if it is possible to set up the new one with the device card from the old, dead one? Aqara's site is near useless, and I don't see anything intuitive in the Aqara app.
Have you tried the latest firmware, yet?
I have been a little reluctant to upgrade, as everything has been working so well lately...
I updated to latest Firmware verion on 5th Dec for one sensor, and 13th for another sensor as they became available.
Unfortunately, not very happy with the last few updates as the multi-person detection has been bad, where if one person leaves then the lights turn off although there is still another person present
Yep- same issue here with this latest update. Not good.
Thank you both for the feedback. I am going to leave well enough alone for now.
Hello all.
I sorry if I'm missed if this has already been answered .. I have the FP2 working through my aqara g3 hub for zone support then connected to Alexa which is then connected to my hubitat where my lights live.
It doesn't support conditional statements like if motion is detected AND Lux is below X because alexa only lets you add one condition per routine.
Is anyone using Homeassistant or something else that can handle both rules then punt the command to hubitat or are we going to need to wait for that sweet sweet matter support on the sensor?
You can create a virtual switches in Alexa and Alexa on/off rules that trigger the virtual switches with the lux and another with motion. Then add the virtual switches to Hubitat.
Using those virtual switches in Hubitat create a rule to control your lights.
Works for me.
If you can get the lux readings into HE you can also get the presence status into HE via Home Assistant, which would then allow you to setup automations in HE, as long as any other devices required are also in HE.
@Bloodtick_Jones made a smartthing replica app that I have been using. My TV is a Samsung with a built in smartthings hub and Aqara is willing to work with ST. The Replica app allows you to mirror ST devices into HE. Its slow, but you get the zone information and the lux from the FP2. I just used some of my old Zooz ZSE's placed by the room door to trigger the lights on and then start using the FP2.
Thanks I will try that.
If you want 100% local integration (no clouds at all) consider integration via Home Assistant.
All three of my FP2s changed MAC addresses. I think this happened with the 1.3.0_0002.0092 update. I only noticed because they lost their DHCP reservation and moved into the guest IP range.
Prior to the update, two had OUIs of dc:ed:83 and the third 68:ab:bc.
All three now have OUIs of 54:ef:44.
Thank you for the heads up on this possible change.
I am still running 1.2.8_0006.0086 on my two FP2 sensors. I have been holding off on upgrading as things seem to be working pretty well at this time. I am hesitant that the new firmware might bring other issues with it...
What has you experience been thus far with the 1.3.0_0002.0092 update? Anything other than the MAC address change that you've observed? Does the sensor work as reliably as previously for you?
It works about the same as far as I can tell so far.
I updated to 1.3.0 hoping it would fix the occasional stuck ghost presence that happens about once every other month. It hasn't happened again, but it's only been 2 weeks.
(and I miss the 'clear presence' option that they removed a while ago. it was much easier than rebooting the sensor)
I think that feature may have been moved/renamed under the "AI Learning" section in the FP2's Device Settings page. I have used that once or twice to make sure things were 'cleared out'.
I am going to upgrade my less critical FP2 sensor and see how the new firmware behaves. Thank you for sharing your results!
I have two of these toys patiently waiting for becoming working reliably. As of today there is absolutely impossible to use them in automations because of gazillions of ghosts.
Well, my experience is the exact opposite of yours. I have two FP2 sensors that have been running great for almost 2 years now. Once I set them up, and did a little tweaking, they have 'just worked' for my requirements.
@jlv - So far, so good on the new 1.3.0_0002.0092 on the one FP2 sensor that I upgraded this morning. My wife uses that room quite a bit. If there are any issues, I am sure she will let me know!
I have purchased a cheap SmarThings Hub 2 from eBay
So will test this hub and try your integration soon!