Apps Code/New app/Editor is missing

I accidentally overwrote the code for the editor when trying to import code from a website. I installed it in the editor instead of in the page itself. Now, I no longer have a search option. Does anyone have the correct code, so I can set it back?

Unsure what you are saying. You should not be able to overwrite the code editor.

Have you tried restoring a backup? That should fix it.

Settings, Backup and Restore, either pick the most recent backup on your hub (usually taken automatically at 2:15 am or so) or restore a local backup you downloaded to your computer.

Or, if somehow the low-level platform code has become damaged, restore the firmware. Go to your_hub_ip:8081 (the diagnostic tools page), and reload the platform firmware. The last few versions are available.

There is also a link to the Diagnostics Tool on the Backup and Restore page. You will need the Hub’s MAC address to log n. It’s found on the underside of the hub, but an easier place to go is
Settings, Hub Details, and copy the MAC address, then go to Diagnostics Tool, paste.

Oh, and welcome to the community!


What you are saying doesn't make any sense.

If you join the owner group, you can include screenshots that will help us to figure out what you are doing. Link to join owner group :arrow_right: Hubitat

Otherwise, please give more detail as to what you are trying to do and what you are clicking on/into.

And welcome to the forum. You may want to change your username as well. Open message to "user####"