[application/json] result to attributes

Ok, kind of stuck again, and cannot seem to find examples.

I get data from a local api:

void getBasicInfo()
{   log.debug "getting Basic device information"
    String DeviceInfoURI = "http://${ipAddress}/api/v1/data"
    httpGet([uri:DeviceInfoURI, contentType: "application/json", textParser:true])

	{ resp->
			def contentType = resp.headers['content-type']
			log.debug "Response.data: ${resp.data}"
			log.debug "response content type is ${contentType}"

I seem to be getting a result:
dev:402021-11-11 20:31:08.436 debugresponse content type is Content-Type: application/json
dev:402021-11-11 20:31:08.432 debugResponse.data: {"wifi_ssid":"Berg-WiFi","wifi_strength":88,"total_power_import_t1_kwh":1.273,"total_power_export_t1_kwh":0,"active_power_w":0.265,"active_power_l1_w":0.265}
dev:402021-11-11 20:31:08.375 debuggetting Basic device information

But how do I get the long return {"wifi_ssid":"Berg-WiFi","wifi_strength":88,"total_power_import_t1_kwh":1.273,"total_power_export_t1_kwh":0,"active_power_w":0.265,"active_power_l1_w":0.265} into seperate attributes, with there headers?

So I need that result to parse:

Maybe something like:

           def jSlurp = new JsonSlurper()
           Map resMap = (Map)jSlurp.parseText((String)resp.data)

try resp.data.wifi_ssid

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True may already be referenceable.

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Not refrencable I'm afaid: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: wifi_ssid for class: java.io.StringReader on line 40 (method getBasicInfo)

Getting a java error on that one:

org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: user_driver_Fan_HomeWizard_Power_Socket_509.jSlurp() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Possible solutions: sleep(long), sleep(long, groovy.lang.Closure), dump(), run(), run(), run(java.io.File, [Ljava.lang.String;) (method jSlurp)

At the top of your code

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

and for mine, try taking off the text parser in the httpGet call

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Is in the top of the code.

While JsonSlurper should also work, Hubitat has a built in parseJson() method that looks like it should also get you there: Common Methods Object - Hubitat Documentation. (OK, that docs link won't help much--only the signature is there, and it returns an Object, but in my experience this is either a Map or a List, depending on the format of the original JSON. Probably a wrapper around the JsonSluper.parseText() method?).

Also, if there's any way you can make that HTTP call asynchronous, that is generally the recommended way: Async HTTP calls. It shouldn't be an issue either way, but unless you absolutely need the synchronous behavior, users seem to report fewer issues (resource usage, etc.?) with the async approach.


I saw that a while back and wondered about it…

Thats is!!!


Nice, glad you got it working.

The text parser comes in handy when parsing straight text, like XML or HTML, but for JSON the built in stuff can parse it for you, or the other options mentioned here are also valid as well.

relative to @bertabcd1234 async comment...

You can switch to async surprisingly easy... mostly it's just press enter immediately after the http call followed by a } to close off the method.

The next line is the starting line of the handler. There's usually some { } cleanup, but it's pretty much done.

void getBasicInfo()
{   log.debug "getting Basic device information"
    String DeviceInfoURI = "http://${ipAddress}/api/v1/data"
    asynchttpGet("getBasicInfoHnadler", [uri:DeviceInfoURI, contentType: "application/json", textParser:true])

void getBasicInfoHnadler(resp, data)	
{   resp->
	def contentType = resp.headers['content-type']
	log.debug "Response.data: ${resp.data}"
	log.debug "response content type is ${contentType}"

Your example code, converted, I believe. The biggest mistake I've made in doing these conversions is assuming (resp, data) only to quickly learn the original code used "response", ie. response.data or response.header, etc.