Anyone with Inovelli NZW30 Switches?

Does anyone here have any experience with Inovelli NZW30 Switches?

For some reason, they seem to be turning off (by themselves!) after a minute or so.
This is happening to ALL of my Inovelli NZW30 switches.
By the way, I changed the driver from the NZW30 to the Generic ZWave Smart Switch.
Here is the event log:

And here is the past logs (Please remember that there is a bug in the new C5 hubs with the time):

And here is the fingerprints:

Does anyone have any idea why the light turns itself off?

My apologies. Here it is:

click on the blue words: Light keeps turning itself off

read a whole thread on exactly the problem you asked about.

I'd like to point out, that this problem is happening to all of my Inovelli NZW30 switches. I'm just using this one as an example.

That thread is showing that it's got a Solution.

Hubitat has identified a bug in the way they handle small numbers that can be large. As in: the number can be 0 to 10,000 but when the value given is down in the small end (0-100 say) they don't send the correct value. This has been fixed they tell us, BUT it's waiting on a next release.

Inovelli has created a workaround, described in THAT thread.

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Thank you!
That's one of the reasons that I'm here... a great community who are willing to share.
Thanks again.
(I hope that next release comes soon... anyway!)

Not OP, but wanted to jump into a thread with others that have these NZW30v1 switches. Having a challenge adding into Hubitat, and making sure they are removed/excluded from ST. Unfortunately the guides are removed from the Inovelli site since they are discontinued. I removed from ST, added to Hubitat perfectly fine my Zooz and Inovelli Red series switches.

Anyone happen to have the guide around for the NZW30, and share add/remove instructions?

Click on 'Product Manual'
Last page says to click six times down in 2 seconds.

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Thanks. Finally worked.

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