Anyone Using Scrypted?

Just found this for my synology NAS and got it installed and my Reolink and amazon cameras ? Is there any apps in Hubitat for this ? I tried to look it up but didnt find anything.

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I use it to bring Ring cameras into HomeKit. Nothing specific to Hubitat.

I am using Scrypted to bring my Unifi cameras into HomeKit. Also, nothing specific to Hubitat. There's no real need for anything in Hubitat for Scrypted.

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I used to use Scrypted for my Reolink doorbell Reolink Doorbell - receiving Visitor events in Hubitat, but now that Synology supports this doorbell (with 2-way audio) I can send the same HTTP message to Hubitat using an Action Rule on the NAS.

By the way, some time ago, I was asked by a client to bring in their ring camera feeds into HomeKit as well. At the time, there was no Hubitat integration. I used Homebridge on a PI, and there is a Ring Camera plugin. Worked like a charm.

Thanks yes I had the Homebridge plugin enabled for a long while and moved to Scrypted instead.

Same here, Scrypted allows me to get my Hikvision cams into the Apple Home app. I think it’s great.

But I’m not really sure how it would integrate in the form of a Hubitat app. What did you have in mind?

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