Any node red “http” node experts

I’m trying to make an alert is either of my lan raspberry pi goes down and one to alert me if Shopping Cart - ETERNAL HOSTING that negative instock number becomes positive. Thank you

Would this meet your need ?

It worked. But I deleted all my apps. Constant restarts

Sorry just now reading this.. forums going fast and furious.

You've used the http-request node I assume? I use it to check my hubs. There is a ping node as well.

Another thing to look into (maybe serious rabbit hole) is puppeteer node.. with headless google chrome.

I have not used it so dunno if good or not. I have used puppeteer before to do some site scraping.

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I use the ping node for about 15 systems on my network.

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I think @frmWink2Hubitat is seeking to monitor the contents of a webpage, not just whether the site is up or down.

That's where puppeteer can help - you can access and manipulate a full webpage with all the javascript etc. A while ago I used it (not the node!) to hit a clients old online "reporting" system that did not have an API. Was able to login and navigate the menus and generate the necessary report... all through code. Not the most straightforward thing and definitely subject to the whims of UI changes but it worked.

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