And ethernet lockup is back again

My issue seems to have disappeared (I hope) by replacing the old 5 port switch and network cable to the hub with new switch and cable. This was almost a month ago.

Yep I thought mine was too when I replaced the switch cables and power supply but it eventually locked up. At least its kind of rare at the moment when it happens, when it got really bad it was several times every day.

I had this happen a lot with a Netgear X6S router. Changing to a Lynksys Velop around a year ago fixed it. I also ended up connecting all the HA stuff to a couple TP-Link switches (to much stuff?) and haven’t had any problems with those either.

@gopher.ny Playing with those ping commands. Well not exactly working as I thought. Once I enabled it, I try to disable and it won't. Just keeps coming back saying network watchdog is true.

I noticed slowness in my Zwave devices for door locks and contacts and was wanting to turn it off to see if it made a difference. However I can't it seems. How can I really tell if its on or off?

Looks like a bug. I've sent a remote "set property" command to the C5 through support tool, it should be turned off now.


Thanks, and with that I noticed the 3 zwave devices within 20 feet of the hub is now instant for door status and lock.. Hmmm has a fix. It's not mentioned in the release notes because these endpoints are sort of beta/unofficial/unsupported/whatever you want to call it.

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I'll give it a try, thanks

So far after enabling the ping command I have had no issues, we'll see in about 10 more days if that continues..

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