An observation regarding shutdown and restart

I think this is a likely issue... you should do a factory reset on all devices and the hub.... :grin:

Of course not.... At least I hope not.... :thinking:

But that does not diminish your question (I think) or the importance of getting something like this right for those that need to work through this process. I think it is important to have confidence in a process such as this when things are already not working as expected or you would like.

When rebooting, I think the only logical option would be to re-direct people to the Hubitat website advertising the latest hub model with it's pro's highly visible :grin: . That or a link to the Community.... :wink:

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:scream: :upside_down_face:

I wasn't too worried. Most things seemd to be working properly after a while. But there was a couple of devices that wasn't entirely happy and decided to up their integrity to 'unknown' in protest (Maybe they were loading just as I hit refresh?). I have not had a proper chance to look in to it yet though.

I completely agree. And I also agree with that when doing something which potentially could go wrong and were there are recommendations in the documentation to follow a procedure in order to avoid those, there is a point to making sure the recommended procedure is as fail safe as possible.

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That is the right response, just like my tongue-in-cheek one.... almost all things are recoverable and do not need a destructive response.... which is essentially what I was trying to convey.... the world is not going to end.... :slight_smile: At least if you follow the instructions... :wink:


Stop and think, if it makes sense, proceed, if it doesn't, ask for guidance/help/clarification. That usually saves you countless hours of recovering from a mistake :wink:

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How did you exactly shut down from your PC?

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Just did a similar shut-down on my hub (C8):

Hub Shut Down and Restart
  1. Shut down from Setting menu
  2. Wait for hub is shut down message
  3. Unplug for 30s
  4. Plug in again - Hub has been shut down message persists
  5. Wait for maybe 10-15s and then hit "Reload" on browser
  6. Error page appears
  7. Wait another 3-5s and hit "Reload" again - error page persists
  8. Another 3-5s and hit reload again - error page persists
  9. Hub loading animation appears before I could take any additional actions

Hi Bobby,

Settings > Shotdown > Yes

@bobbyD ,

Another observation. As far as I can see two things might have happened as a result of the shutdown during restart. I cannot be sure it was the restart event that caused it, but it might have been.

A button and a Philips Hue remote stopped working after the shutdown/restart. So far I have only had time to check the button. The button (Aqara) governs a fan installed in the ventilation system with a (Sonoff) swtich and is part of a few rules. After the restart everything looked identical as before except that none of the devices or rules related to the mentioned rules and devices seemed to work. After an investigation I could rule out all devices and rules as working except the Aqara button, which did not work. I reinstalled the button and re-added the custom driver and then the button worked again.

People have spewed useless information on my threads, so now, it's my turn:

  1. The reason for doing this sequence were unspecified Zigbee issues, or at least, a tuneup.
  2. You guys have more time on your hands than I do, and I'm retired. :slight_smile:
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Well, we cannot all be as bussy and eloquent as you @velvetfoot


Not all of us.... :wink: I can only dream....

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I'm reading this thread, I apparently have way too much time on my hands


That's because you're constantly chasing down power outages and tree falls (often related), ensuing generator issues, and "orb" networking setup/TS. So you're not really retired. :slight_smile:

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I think you already know this, but Aqara stuff is known to be somewhat "iffy" on HE...they don't follow all the Zibee standards and are known to drop off intermittently. I lost an Aqara contact sensor after a reboot this morning - quick reset and it's back.

No experience w/Hue remotes but generally their stuff is pretty solid if brought in from their hub via the native or community Hue integration...not familiar w/how stable they are when joined directly to the hub.

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Thanks @danabw

I have 10 Hue indoor motion sensors paired direct to the Hub with the Hubitat driver. They've been very stable, except for one time when there was a somewhat extended power outage with no Hub backup. It took some doing, and time I suppose, to get them back on line. But, they've been perfectly fine since. I like them a lot.

I hope I added a little value to this thread. :slight_smile:


My Philips Hue motion sensors are also quite stable, all except one which I think was broken and never worked.

Have you checked the Zigbee Network Graph to see how they are connected in the network? Do the all connect directly to the hub indirectly via other devices?

That reminded me. I did have one that I thought failed. Someone recently posted on this thread how he fixed it. So, maybe mine wasn't broken (and maybe yours isn't either).

At some point I became disenchanted with Zigbee mesh, and even Z-wave mesh. Zigbee because the mains powered repeaters, or rather, the combination of them and the Hubitat C8, seemed to be causing frequent Zigbee radio reboots. A complete changeout to the latest Sengled plugs didn't help. So, I don't have powered Zigbee devices anymore. All are battery and talk directly to the hub.

I would do something similar with Z-wave, if I had the money. Z-Wave Long Range doesn't mesh-they talk direct to hub. All my switches, outdoor motions, and plugs are Z-wave. Money.

Here's my Zigbee chart :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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That has a certain geometry to it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Mine currently looks like this. As mentioned I have actively interconnected the devices but I am not sure I have noticed any improvement.

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