An FYI regarding Sengled

Z2M: Zigbee2mqtt. Mainly it's one of the ways to add zigbee devices to Home assistant. I integrate it into Hubitat with HADB (home assistant device bridge). There is a Z2M app in development which do away with HA requirement but it is limited to a few brand and device type at the moment.

I wanted to get back to you but got interrupted by some non-automated plumbing issues.

Thank you for the info about MQTT. I learned a lot from investigating Z2M. I'm in fact using MQTT to get temperature readings from my Oregon Scientific sensors which I pipe through Node Red to a web page that I can view on my phone. I have the broker running and could obviously give it some additional work.

I had an unsatisfactory initial experience with HA. The install went fine and I was able to add my zigbee dongle and a sengled bulb. The first think I encountered was that I couldn't find any obvious way to have the automation set the light level when turning on the bulb. Anyway, I sent a schedule to have the bulb come on at sunset (around 7pm). The next day, instead of the bulb coming on at 7 pm it came on at about 1 pm which is, I believe, when it was 7pm in Amsterdam.

So I looked at the settings and saw that although the timezone was set to America/Los_Angeles, the lat and long and the map pointer corresponded to Amsterdam. I tried to manually adjust the lat and long but that's not allowed on the default location (apparently).

First, I made a local backup and a Google Drive Backup.

Then I started looking around for same way to fix the yaml. I found a sample that looked like it twiddled the right settings. The modification passed the sanity check so I rebooted. HA came up in "safe" mode. In that mode it doesn't know anything about backups so there was no way to recover. I asked a couple of questions on their forum but never got any replies so I just abandoned the attempt.

I was not able to find any docs or tutorials that would bridge the gap between gui config and full-on yaml. Without that kind of info the learning curve seems to be almost vertical and something that would take endless trial-and-error to figure out. There is (I hope) some other source of info like this that I never discovered. I'm apparently not smart enough to be able to figure this out even though many others seem to have managed it.

You should not try to fiddle with Home assistant. That is what the HADB is all about. You install your devices in Home Assistant and bring them to Hubitat with it, where you can easely setup your automations.

Forget about yaml and config stuff in HA. Just use HE for that.


That makes sense. Thanks.

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