While converting 1.1 to 1.2 simple rules I saw something that give me pause.
The selection 'Turn On and set Temperature' gave me the implication I was going to turn a bulb on and set my house thermostat.
In addition - I don't understand why Bulb Level is offered, although it hurts nothing. but the Pick List doesn't actually reflect what's being done.
In references elsewhere it is Bulb Color Temperature.
Further - when Turn on & set Level is selected the options below change to "Dimmer Level" whereas when level is offered for the other 2 pick list choices it is Bulb Level.
Consistency here would give a nice interface.
Level is optional with "Turn On & Set Temperature" (only the fields with an asterisk are required), so it's not necessarily an inaccuate description; it was probably added recently because Hubitat's standard "Set Color Temperatue" command itself recently added optional support for level (and transition time) as opposed to just color tempeature, all in the same command, so there is a way to do that from SAR if you want. (It's possible this has always been there and SAR just issued two commands to the device instead of one, but I don't remember...)
In the context of lighting, I think "temperature" is most likely to be understood as "color temperature," but perhaps they had other reasons for not stating it that way (maybe worried about the items in the drop-down being too long?).
"Dimmer" vs "Bulb" is likely related to the minimum capability of the device you're using: a dimmer can't do color or color temperature, but they can do level (or on/off). So, if you've got a color or CT action, it's a "bulb" (or perhaps lightstrip or similar), but if you're just doing level, it could simply be a dimmer. Perhaps using something more generic in all cases like "light" might be better.
I, of course, don't make these choices...just explaining why they might be the way they are even if it seems unexpected from one perspective.
I appreciate the clarity - as the title stated - it's ambiguous. as well as inconsistent to state it as bulb in one and dimmer in the other. These are feedbacks - not critiques. as a community member I always try to help improve things. HE likes to dispose of most external thoughts but at least it's been stated.