Amazon Echo Issues

I started having issues with Amazon Echo which I noticed today. None of the devices on Hubitat can be controlled. I removed all devices from Alexa app and uninstalled the smart app and then re-did everything. Now Echo does not discover devices any more. Does anyone experience the same? Any way to resolve this?


Update: After multiple restarts of Amazon Echo and the hubitat hub .,, and uninstalling and reinstalling the Amazon app, it started working again. I still need to know what could have caused it? The Hubitat hub IP did not change after restart.. but will that matter?

Only issue I had was after I first set it up. The devices were still in Amazon from St. Once I delete them out I haven't had an issue since. Maybe a glitch in the matrix? All joking aside. The link with my echo has been solid since I got mine. Hopefully, it was a one time thing.