Always hit Done after app changes

Whenever you make changes to the settings of a built-in app, you should hit Done at the bottom right of the app setup page when you have finished. This is especially important if you change anything that might affect when the app runs (schedules), or what makes it run (events). Your changes to the settings may appear to be have been completed, but until you hit Done they may not have been captured and may not have been put into effect.

There have been several cases reported here recently where this was the source of someone's problem with an app. So please, hit Done after you make changes.


Just one question. If you are using date/time variables and you change the time in the variable when will the rule in Rule Machine 5 pick it up to schedule the correct time to run it's actions?

Based on your above items for the schedule tasks for rules that look like this for trigger events:

If I use a dashboard or another rule to change the variable will the RM 5.0 rule immediately change it's schedule time?

Also I think you introduced another time bug maybe with UTC offset in the above rule the times are 1 hour earlier than what I set in Hub Variables, timeAwakeWeekday and timeAwakeWeekend are showing 4:00 and 5:00 am and in my settings they are:


Here are the scheduled jobs:

Yes. When you use a DateTime Variable Connector, the rule subscribes to events of the connector, and then updates its schedules when the connector changes value.

Are you on the release that came out today?

Yes this is after you update today/yesterday

The variables:


The Rule 5.0 rule referencing the variables showing the time as 1 hour earlier


And then the schedule task showing that it isn't rescheduling after a time change I made though a dashboard integration to the variable it shows the previous "on the hour" time I originally set when creating the variables.

There is a bug in this release with times and DateTime Connectors. We will get it sorted.


Seems like a great use case for an “are you sure?” When navigating away from such a page and you didn’t click done.

Edit: rule #1 of UX that I tell people who work for me, “you fix the software. You don’t try to fix the user.”


We don't have anyway to know that the user has navigated away from a page. These are browser pages, so the user could close the page and how would we know?

Sure you do. Window: beforeunload event - Web APIs | MDN It’s supported by all major browsers and is the way most modern web apps do this. It’s not perfect (I mean someone can just yank a power cord too right?) but it’s better than nothing and more effective than hoping people see this forum post.


Thanks. Passed this on to the UI team.


What if the done button was renamed to save? Might stop some confusion from newbies.


Worth thinking about -- not a bad suggestion.

Haha, just a lot of apps to change, and documentation, and videos....


Wouldn’t that lead people to think that if they did not hit save that none of their changes would be saved?

Oh the number of times I have wished for that. Or an undue button. Lol.

Or a Cancel button

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Most individual steps do have a Cancel button. But once you pass up that opportunity, well, you passed it up.


Yes, most do, but not all.

Cancel should always be an option BEFORE clicking Done.
AFTER clicking done is when it should be too late to Cancel

Sorry, but his isn't the way apps work. When you change a setting, it is changed right then and there. There isn't some magic where there are two copies of an app, one you've changed and another one you haven't. Each app has its settings and state, and that's all there is.

In theory, I suppose a copy could be made of an app every time you open it, and then if you hit Cancel before Done, the changed copy could be thrown away. Some people do this on their own by cloning a rule before editing it.

We will consider this.


Yes I have done this before when I know I’m going to be making more than a small change. But more often than not I don’t.

The worst is when you so something and get a 500 and the only choice is to delete and re do. I’m not complaining. Please don’t take it that way. RM4 and 4.1 have become very stable so I know RM5 will get there.

I do wish I could back up all rules into separate files with one action without having to back them up individually. I now keep a version number at the end of every rule name and increment it on each edit. I also keep a log - very high level - but at least I know what I have done to a rule from 1.02 to 1.03 for instance. I’m just not religious with my exporting.

Once I restored a backup on my extra hub just to clone the version of a rule that I wanted to restore.