I tried to hook this up today with the new google setup. When I get to the test phase, I find it in the google home app, I then try and login to hubitat oauth site and get the error,
"The parameter "state" must be set in the query string."
Is this a hubitat login issue? Or did I mess up somewhere?
edit: I missed the scope part, that fixed this issue if anyone else gets it.
Where did you find the 'on device testing' setting? I folowed the guidelines but it doesnt work. I find the integration in Google Home, find my Hub and my devices, but then get an error that it couldn't be reached. Was there anything else you did?
I didn't have a scope defined. After that I hit Next: test, and followed the directions as they are listed, I only have my garage doors, selected those and I can open them in google home.
This app has worked wonderfully for many years. All of the sudden this evening the speakers and my phone Assistant can't seem to control anything. I can query about light state or temperatures, but no control whatsoever works. The same thing happens in the Google Home app. I can see status of everything but cannot control. Am I the only lucky one?
That's very strange. Can you enable debug logging in he Hubitat app and then watch the log for Google Home Community in Hubitat while you turn on a light or something from the Google Home app? If there are no obvious errors, you can post the log here and I can look at it.
I've rebooted smart speakers and the hubitat hub just to be on the safe side. I enabled debugging on the app. Watching the live logs after issuing a simple on/off command for a light displays nothing in the logs and the speaker responds with "Sorry, I didn't understand."
The Google Home app itself now appears to be working, I can refresh everything and control everything I've tested.
I tried again to test this morning and I'm even more confused! If I ask an Asst to turn something on off, I get the above "Sorry I didn't understand." However, if I ask to set basement lamp to 0%, it works. Same if I ask to set to 100%, it works. I can set temps on devices but it seems simple on off commands throws everything for a loop. I can't make sense out of any of it.
It wouldn't surprise me. Google has always had issues with on/off commands for me. Over the past 5 years, about 20% of the time I would get: "I'm sorry, power controls have not been set up for that device" or "I'm sorry, I didn't understand"
It REALLY has issues with multiple devices in a room containing that same room's name. So, if you have the device named "Bedroom Light" you might just rename it to something like "Master Room Light"
The workaround for me was just saying "Turn off Lights" while in the room instead of saying "Turn off Bedroom Lights". Seems like it stopped listening at Bedroom and thought I was saying turn off the Google device that had that name in it as well.
The other workaround was just saying "Turn off Bedroom" which turned off all the lights and switches in the room.
If I said both "Bedroom" and "lights" in the same request for off/on, that seems to trigger the error WAaaaay more often.
It appears from the Reddit, that it is a bit more widespread today (which again, doesn't surprise me - Glad I am not cloud dependant and just use that part as a convenience)