[Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration

So I finally finished moving all of my z-wave devices from my ADT system to hubitat, motivated mostly by your wonderful app. Although I did notice my z-wave locks using ADT's google home integration has the ability to unlock and lock inside the google home app (it has a lock.unlock underneath the icon). Where your app just has hub and voice command lock/unlock abilities. Is it possible that google gave them special rights or is there something new with locks?

As far as I know touch controls for the Lock/Unlock trait are not supported by the Google Home phone app, so if ADT's devices have them then they must be doing something special. It's not unheard of for Google to add undocumented functionality for large players like that.

The Lock/Unlock trait does have touch controls on Google's smart displays (like the Nest hub), so if you have one of those that may be what you're remembering.

Not sure the rooms worked, or at least not the way I expected for my scenes...

I setup a room for my study in HE, added various devices, including a HE scene activator device, which I had updated the label on to "Night". I added this scene to the the GH Community App under scenes and synced devices with GH.

I could use the phrase "Activate Scene Night" and the lights would dim, but could not use "Activate Scene Night in the Study".

Not sure if it makes a difference, but I had this scene previously linked to GH under the name Study - Night. I first tried renaming it, then removed it and re-added in the App, syncing after both removing and re-adding under the name Night.

EDIT: Just tested with a new scene and the same behaviour, the "in " didn't work.

Not really an issue, was worth a shot given the update you made, all good.


No it was in the app for sure. I suppose I can add it back and do a screen shot to show. Although that won't really help figure out how they did it. :slight_smile: Ironically aside from that feature, your implementation is far superior to theirs. Aside from the locks everything was a light in their google integration and the sensors could not even be queried. I feel like we should all drop one hundred bucks into a paypal account for you. As a google exclusive home you really made the cost of the hubitat worth it. Thanks again.

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:frowning: That's too bad, I was hoping that would help you.

While I appreciate the sentiment, enough other people have made major contributions to this project that I would not feel right accepting donations. Feel free to toss that $100 to a local charity or something.


Dumb question - I'm assuming the room names in HE need to exactly match the room names in Google Home app?

Probably. All I did is send the Hubitat room name to Google. They may do some fuzzy matching, but I haven't tested that.

While I have your attention, any luck with change channel trait? It would be awesome..

I've slowly got increasingly frustrated by the native integration with Google home, partly as the devices are detected as the wrong thing and partly as this week my devices all vanished temporarily and it seemed to reset my home (hence all rooms and stuff got reset).

What downsides might I expect from this integration? Obviously hard to test both in parallel, but possibly it is slower or not noticeable? I guess there is some time to maintain the traits and devices, but otherwise is there anything is lose by giving this a go?

Seems to have come on loads since I first looked, and looking even better now, but just a bit cautious as I've spent ages messing with Google home recently!

I've only recently starting using this integration, so probably not the best to answer some of your questions. But in terms of a strategy for you to assess it, maybe you could test out one or two of the key device types you want to setup, or key parts of your home, before you set everything up. Gives you a chance to assess each part without going all in at once.

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Ah ok that's cool, I thought from the early posts it wouldn't let you have both integrations running in parallel, hence was having to make a bigger leap. Will give that a go

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You can run both of them.
I personally use this integration for some particular devices, and most others I still use the original integration.


That hasn't been my experience, but I have a habit of not reading the instructions closely...:slightly_smiling_face:

ZERO downsides. The native integration only passes on/off to Google. GHC allows you to do what every you want, and map any device.

I built a custom Tasmota wifi integration controller (Tasmota + Arduino relay board + custom Hubitat driver). With this integration, I can pass the zones to Google as "irrigation", the rain delay as "valve". When you look at a Google nest device, the zones look like sprinklers, the rain delay looks like a valve. Same deal with blinds, overhead doors, fireplace, etc.

Before it was just an on/off switch. Ran into family conflicts on the blinds where we couldn't decide is an "on" blind one that is open, or if it's "on" that means its blocking light and it's closed. With GHC, it's a blind. You open it or you close it. :slight_smile:

Why wouldn't you just use this integration for all? I see no use case why you would use the original one since it's just a limited version of this integration.

I'm getting an odd error in the debugs I haven't seen mentioned here (from a search). This appears to be causing the "connection failed" error for me.

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: roomId for class: com.hubitat.hub.domain.Device
Possible solutions: groupId on line 2829 (handleAction)

Did you add rooms in Hubitat that are now available in the latest version?

I have not.

Are you on Hubitat version 2.2.7? I thought I had done the room stuff in a way that was backwards-compatible with pre 2.2.7, but I guess I messed that up. It should work if you upgrade to the latest Hubitat version, or as a temporary workaround, if you don't mind modifying the app, you can delete lines 2811, 2829, 2830, and 2841. I'll try to get a patch out to fix that tonight.

Yeah, I'm on I was migrating all my junk from SmartThings today so was putting off the update. I'll knock that out now and see if it fixed it.