[Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration

@mbudnek -

This integration was working really well and it stopped a while back, maybe when I upgraded from one hub to another. In any event, I'm trying to start from scratch, but I can't get past the link stage in the Google Home app. I've checked the OAuth, token, secret and the URL and everything's correct. Any other ideas?

Thank you!

Where exactly does it fail? Before the Hubitat login page? After the hub and device selection page?

It fails after the device selection page. I successfully get through the hubitat login and authorize the devices. Then it tries and fails to connect to the "[test] Google Home".

Enable debug logging in the Google Home Community settings and then watch the Hubitat log while you link. Do you see a SYNC request and response? If so, post it here. If not, the most likely culprit is the settings in your Google Action (either your fulfillment URL or your OAuth settings).


Thank you. I sent you a PM.

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@mbudnek how would you bring the "lux" trait in to GH? I have a motion sensor and have occupancy trait but cant work out what what the light level would be?

As far as I know there's no good trait for illuminance level sensing.

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Seems a odd one for them to have missed.

working perfectly with "light level" :slight_smile:

I have had my Google Home Controlling our ceiling fan for, well, probably since this came out. Today I went to use Google Home to set the fan speed and nothing happened. I turned on Debugging and this is what came up:

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:01.329 PMdebug{"requestId":"12999914283200995861","payload":{"commands":[{"status":"PENDING","ids":["817"],"states":{"online":true,"currentFanSpeedSetting":"medium-low"}}]}}

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:01.325 PMdebugDevice Master Bedroom Fan not ready, moving to PENDING

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:01.221 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:01.118 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:01.015 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.913 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.811 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.708 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.606 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.503 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.401 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.299 PMdebugHampton Bay Fan Component: current value of speed (off) does does not yet match expected value (medium-low)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.297 PMdebugPolling device attributes for 1000 ms

dev:7082024-06-29 03:06:00.290 PMerrorcom.hubitat.app.exception.LimitExceededException: App 642 generates excessive hub load on line 538 (method setSpeed)

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.263 PMdebugChecking MFA for Set Fan Speed command

app:6422024-06-29 03:06:00.212 PMdebug{"inputs":[{"context":{"locale_country":"US","locale_language":"en"},"intent":"action.devices.EXECUTE","payload":{"commands":[{"devices":[{"id":"817"}],"execution":[{"command":"action.devices.commands.SetFanSpeed","params":{"fanSpeed":"medium-low"}}]}]}}],"requestId":"12999914283200995861"}

app:6422024-06-29 03:05:52.319 PMdebug{"requestId":"11692181557928821667","payload":{"devices":{"817":{"on":false,"currentFanSpeedSetting":"off","status":"SUCCESS"}}}}

app:6422024-06-29 03:05:52.271 PMdebug{"inputs":[{"intent":"action.devices.QUERY","payload":{"devices":[{"id":"817"}]}}],"requestId":"11692181557928821667"}

Did you recently update or change your fan driver? It looks like this app is failing to call its setSpeed command. I have no idea why that would happen with a correctly-functioning fan driver. Are you sure the fan supports the 'medium-low' speed setting? Does the same thing happen if you set it to other speeds?

Nothing has changed, other than the Hubitat updates. It happens with all speeds. But everything works fine from the driver page when changing speeds.


OK super weird. Everything is running fine today through GH. Fall down a well, eyes go cross. Gets kicked by a mule, they go normal. I dunno.

Thanks for this. Setup instructions were great, but the process more brutal than it should be to resolve something so simple. I'm getting fed up with Amazon and considering migrating to GH, we use google for nearly everything else. Not having a fan as a fan would be a deal breaker.

Thanks for this app. Really great.
I'm using the sonoff temp and humidity sensor with the driver described here:

I've created the Google Home Community App
I've created created a device "Temp Sensor"
The device config:
Device type name* Temp Sensor
Device type * Temperature Measurement
Google Home device type * Thermostat
Device Traits: Temperature Setting

  • This has the "Query only" enabled

This appears in my google home app with the correct temperature displayed.
There is also a "on/off" button (not sure why that's there).

For some reason I can't use this device as an automation starter in either the phone app or the google home script editor. Does anyone have any idea if there's a something I can change to get this device to be used as a starter?


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Do you have the Home Graph integration set up and the "Push device events to Google" toggle enabled? I think that's required for devices to be able to trigger automations.

That was the problem! Thanks for your help. Now I can use the thermostat as a starter to control my air conditioner in google home.

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Hello am I setting this up correctly? The senor shows up in Google Home App but the Status never changes from closed when the door is open.

The open/closed attribute looks wrong. It should be one of the attributes listed under "Current States" on the device page. For a contact sensor that's probably contact.

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Thank you. I been looking thru some old post, I'm assuming its still the case that Google Home only polls the status of devices once.

Google Home only polls a device once when you open it. If you follow the HomeGraph setup instructions and turn on the "push device events to google" toggle then the Hubitat app will tell Google when a device state changes and that should be reflected within a second or two if you have the device open in the Google Home app.