Allow HSM to be have smoke, CO triggered by switches and possibly buttons

I have a hard-wired set of smoke alarms in my house. I added a relay to them so they trigger a Zooz multirelay switch when any of them go off.

That will cause the Zooz "switch" to turn on during a fire alarm event. It would be great if HSM was able to recognize it as such.


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Until such time as this is implemented, you should be able to do this with a Custom HSM Rule.

  • If your trigger device is not in the supported device list:
    create a virtual device listed in the custom HSM Rules, suggest a contact sensor;
    then create a RM triggering the newly created virtual device when your source device is triggered
    In the RM rule do: device close, device open


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You can also do this with a virtual device that has both the switch and smoke/co2 capability built into it.

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Well. That didn't go so well.

Somehow, I busted HSM.

Now, as soon as I click on it, it says "Unexpected Error Occurred, see logs" Except, the logs show nothing. Ugh. Yikes.

You should either restore you database, or remove and reinstall HSM.

How can I remove/reinstall HSM when I can't open the app to remove it?

And, what will happen with the device I just added right before that?

From the app status page. Gear icon on Apps list.

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