im about to give up on hubitat.
im from the Insteon world for 10 years and everything was so crazy reliable. calling a all off scene and everything goes all off, all at the same time, all the time.
that never ever happened with hubitat. I just tried it again. and it took 40 seconds and the kitchen went from 100% to 12% why????
I even did the welding of an external antenna...
I dont know what to do... that's the part of logs about the kitchen when I called the all off scene:
dev:682022-03-09 12:46:50.508 pm infoRDC-Cuisine-D3w was turned on
dev:682022-03-09 12:46:50.506 pm infoRDC-Cuisine-D3w was set to 12
dev:682022-03-09 12:46:45.695 pm infoRDC-Cuisine-D3w was turned off
dev:682022-03-09 12:46:45.693 pm infoRDC-Cuisine-D3w was set to 0
dev:682022-03-09 12:46:44.162 pm infoRDC-Cuisine-D3w was turned off
dev:682022-03-09 12:46:44.160 pm infoRDC-Cuisine-D3w was set to 0
dev:682022-03-09 12:46:41.625 pm infoRDC-Cuisine-D3w was turned off
dev:682022-03-09 12:46:41.622 pm infoRDC-Cuisine-D3w was set to 0
Are you using metering in your scene? If you are not, try 200 ms metering, and try the scene again. If that works, gradually decrease it to the point where you discover the shortest time that still permits the scene to work as expected.
If 200 ms doesn’t work, try raising it to a point where the scene works.
@mike.maxwell it does not seems to make much difference. I change my "house off" from a scene to a group. (no metering as I had high hopes) tried twice to call the group off. first time the kitchen went from ON to 8% and second attempt bathroom went to 13% instead of off.
looks like a bug to me. I said off. not 8% or 13%. OFF !!!
also, scene seems to trigger rule machine much better than group.
I have RM that if a scene goes change to run a rule machine which does a setLED on zen32 keypad buttons.
they work great with scene but not with groups
I didn’t see him mention Zigbee anywhere. He posted his z-wave table above.
Perhaps his problems will be fixed with the new z-wave firmware that’s in beta.
So @mike.maxwell , I currently have different scenes like: 2nd floor on, 2nd floor off, main floor on, main floor off, basement on, basement off, house off. those are all ON or all OFF scenes.
I have a zooz zen32 button to call each scene. (2nd floor on button, 2nd floor off button...) then I have rule machine that trigger when a scene change status so the zooz zen32 button shows status of 2nd floors lights.
so if I call the scene house off, then the zen32 buttons led for second floor on, main floor on, basement on will go off. and second floor off, main floor off, basement off buttons leds will go on.
so I should switch to group instead of scene?
that will improve responsiveness? (so instead of taking 45 seconds to do a house off, it could go to like 10 seconds?
I can’t speak for @mike.maxwell , but I think your best bet would be to leave it alone until the new firmware is released, since it is right around the corner. A lot of people are experiencing big improvements.
thanks @Ken_Fraleigh
I had some time and was curious. I switch everything from scene to groups (those that were all on or all off)
it saves time as I dont have to create 2 scene "2nd floor on" and "2nd floor off". I only create "2nd floor" group. then I call it on or off.
scenes seems to report their status better than groups.
plus, with scenes (2nd floor on, second floor off) I can control the led of zen32 buttons better (2nd floor on, second floor off). meaning, if all lights on the 2nd floor are on, the "on" button will be on. of all 2nd floor lights are off, the "off" button will be on. if some lights are on, then both the "on" and "off" button will be off. groups does not offer than flexibility
and it seems worst than scene. with 50-100ms of metering in a scene, it was pretty reliable. with groups im at 200ms and I still face weirdness where a light will go to 22% instead of off. it's super anoying... that like asking your tv to go on channel 10 but it goes on channel 17, cuz it felt like it...
As noted, you can join, HE staff regularly post an invite, but it's a two-edged get some cool new stuff, but you also might get some scary new stuff that wasn't quite right. So don't join if you don't want to deal w/the good and the not as good. If you're a tinkerer and your other housemates won't mind if things go south once in a while, it might be a good thing for you. Nothing has ever gone really bad for me personally, but you do end up having to revert between beta release versions on occassion if something is broken, and taking regular backups is a must.