All my Motion Lighting by Mode has stoppped working

Hi, all,

Earlier this morning, I added a mode. --Morning.
I already had a few motion apps set up with different lighting by mode. Per my wife's request, I set a lamp int he living room to come on at 30% on motion when in morning mode. --Didn't work. I figured it might have to do with the fact that I had create the motion lighting app before I had a morning mode, and even though it was there, it wasn't working. --So I deleted that app and remade it, and it worked fine for morning.

Now, this evening, I'm noticing that NONE of my existing motion lighting apps are functioning at all to turn lights ON!
I can't make heads or tails of it in the logs...the sensors are reporting motion, the motion lighting apps are saying they're triggered, but they simply aren't turning any of my lights on. Help! :frowning:

I should mention: I have not been messing around with motion lighting AT ALL today...
And even though I did make that change when I added the morning mode, I haven't touched a single one of my other motion lighting apps. Kitchen motion: no lights turning on in evening or night mode. Hallway: same. No light turning on.

I'm willing to admit when I'm at fault here, and even though I find it very very hard to believe this isn't new behavior as of just today, I think I found the problem:

as seen in this post I didn't have switches set inside my motion lighting apps for turning off the lights. My thinking was, the app is turning it off just fine without that set, and I already have other buttons and things set up to turn lights off, so I don't need to specify it in there as well.

But now I think I understand that the issue was, when my mode is evening, and it's set to turn the light off after 60 min. of no activity...if I let the motion sensor go inactive, turn the light off, and then trigger motion, it wasn't turning the lights on because IT THOUGHT they were already on. Is that right? Because the motion lighting app isn't keeping up with the state of the device otherwise?

Again, if this is totally the way it works, and it was 100% my fault, I apologize for wasting anyone's time. But it's been weeks, and I've not noticed the automation acting in any way other than how I expected. Hm. Oh well. Seems fixed now.

Thanks if anyone would have helped.

Haha, I guess that's close to 'thanks for nothing', but just saw this. If you still have problems post back again, and show the main page setup of the Motion Lighting instance that isn't working the way you expect. You only need to select additional lights to turn off if those exist beyond the ones being turned on by motion. Any of the ones turned on by motion will also be turned off after the delay that starts with motion inactive.

LOL, well, I didn't mean it as a "thanks for nothing" --after all, it was your words in that other thread that got me to the solution. So thanks for that. As for the rest: they were actually very simple setups: one sensor, one light each. The issue wasn't about selecting additional lights to turn off, but rather that if my lights were turned off before the motion lighting app would have turned them off (say, by hitting a switch or turning them off in dashboard), motion would not turn them on again.
I learned from that other thread that motion lighting needs to know explicitly within the app which switches turn off lights that you want it to turn on. (right?)

So, in the evening, my living room lamp is set to:
turn on at 30% with motion
turn off after 1 hour of no motion

If I walk through the room and trigger motion, but turn the lamp off as I leave the room, I WANT it to come on when I walk in 5 minutes later. This wasn't happening. But I suspect the lamp WOULD have turned on if I walked in after an hour. I just couldn't test that.

So the solution is to tell the app that the lamp switch turns the lamp off, which essentially cancels the timer and resets the rule, since the app knows the lamp is off now, right?

Thanks again, @bravenel

Oh, I see. Interesting. I'm glad you figured it out.

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The documentation spells it out pretty clearly here, where it says,

NOTE : If you are using Mode Lighting to turn lights on in modes where you don't want motion to turn on the lights, you will need to have the switch itself selected in Options for lights off . If you don't, and you turn your lights off outside of your Mode Lighting child app, then it won't know you did that. It will continue to register them as on , and will execute any adjustments per mode you specified, instead of turning them on to the adjustments per mode you are expecting to happen from an off state. This includes turning lights off via Amazon Alexa or Google Home. You need to specify the same switch Alexa or Google Assistant is using to turn the light off in the Options for lights off .

--Although, curiously, that's under the "Mode Lighting" section only, and doesn't say it for Motion Lighting, where it appears to also be true. (Though I am setting per mode options in my Motion Lighting setup.) Sorry for dwelling--I just REALLY want to get a full and total grasp on all this stuff.

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Good catch on the documentation. We will get that fixed.